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Search through our 1093 information sheets about local initiatives and programmes.
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Make and use an e-photo
An e-photo is required for official documents. Explanations on how to make and use it on the internet.
Apply for French nationality
Apply for naturalization by decree to become a French citizen.

Create a personal account on the Étrangers en France website (ANEF)
By creating a personal account, you can complete your procedures online (residence permit, naturalization, etc.)
Requesting a customary certificate for marriage or civil partnership
If you are a refugee, you no longer need to provide a certificate of custom to get married in France

Getting your residence permit
How to apply for and retrieve the definitive residence permit.

Register and request assistance from CAF
CAF provides financial assistance in different life situations. Find out how to register and apply.

Renew your residence permit
Apply for a new residence permit on the Étrangers en France (ANEF) website when your card expires.

Request a travel document
Apply for a travel document to travel outside France.

Apply for the RSA
What is Active Solidarity Income? Who can receive this financial assistance? How to do?

Applying for a DCEM (travel document for foreign minors)
Apply for a circulation document for a foreign minor on the website Étrangers en France (ANEF).
Make an appointment with a social worker
A social worker can advise you and help you with your procedures.
Declare and pay your income taxes
When and how to declare income, pay taxes, and receive a tax notice.
Obtain an official translation of a document
Find out how to find a certified translator in your language near you and how to contact them.
Travel to your country of origin
Find out how to obtain a "safe conduct" document allowing you to travel to your country of origin.
Waiving refugee status
You can renounce your refugee status by contacting the Ofpra.

Asking for a birth certificate
Official document given by OFPRA proving the date and place of birth.

Retrieve the documents sent to OFPRA
In what situations and how to request your original documents from OFPRA

Declaring a change of situation on Étrangers en France (ANEF)
Declare on the ANEF website your new address, the loss or theft of your residence permit, ...
Obtain temporary protection
Requirements andsteps to obtain temporary protection in France
Applying for child benefit
If you have two children (or more), you can apply for financial assistance from the CAF (family allowance).
Buy a tax stamp
Find out how to buy a tax stamp, necessary for obtaining some official documents.
Open a bank account
Find out how to open a checking account at a banking institution.
Make your quarterly declaration to the CAF
Find out how to declare your resources every 3 months to the CAF.

Fill in the family reference form
Understand how to properly write the information in the family reference sheet (FFR) requested by the Ofpra

The Republican Integration Contract
Understand everything about the Republican Integration Contract (CIR).

Apply for the activity bonus (prime d'activité)
The activity bonus is financial assistance paid by CAF to people with low incomes.

Report a change of contact details to OFPRA
How to report a change of phone number, email or postal address to OFPRA

Connect to a website with FranceConnect
This service allows you to connect to sites for free with a single account that you already have.
Access legal aid
Low-income people can obtain a full or partial payment of their legal costs (lawyer...)
Scanning a document
Find out how to "scan" (or "digitize") a document.
Apply for a “right to account”
If a bank refuses to open a bank account, you can apply to the Banque de France to help you
Open a mobile line
Find out how to open a line in France by paying for a mobile plan with an operator.
Dealing with the death of a loved one
Find out what to do in the weeks following the death of a loved one.
Finding out if Ofpra has processed my civil status
You can call Ofpra to find out what stage has been reached in the production of your civil status certificate.

Be helped in your procedures near you
Go to a France Services counter so that an agent can help you with your procedures.
Prosecuting the criminals of your country
Prosecute the perpetrators of genocide or other serious human rights violations.
Be accompanied in your procedures
The LAIR is a place of welcome and information for refugees in Lille.
How to use the Réfugié app?
Find out how to use the app to find reliable, translated information
Get help with administrative procedures
Individual appointment for residence permit, CAF, France Travail, receipt, Vitale card, housing application

Get social support
Help for LGBTQI+ foreigners: social rights, housing, sexual and mental health, professional integration

Find housing and support
The FAIR platform is a place of welcome and support for refugees in Caen.

Get social support
Temporary accommodation and support for refugees.

Have a domiciliation
A domiciliation allows you to have an address to receive your mail

Social support to help you with your administrative procedures
Social support for single people, without dependent children and not retired.

IT and administrative training
Free digital workshops for newcomers struggling with French

Be supported in your administrative procedures
Adate helps you with your legal and administrative procedures.

Be referred to specific support
Personalized help to find out where to find training, work, accommodation...

You may also be interested in these information sheets
The family reunification process
You wish to bring your family to France to live with you.
Getting married in France
Everything you need to know about the marriage process in France.
Apply for social housing (HLM)
Apply for social housing (HLM) with a rent adapted to your income.
Official certification of your level of French
Obtain proof of your level of French (DELF, DALF, DILF, TCF, FET...)
Getting married abroad
Find out how to get married in a foreign country.

Get your Vitale card
The carte Vitale is issued for free to anyone who benefits from health insurance.

Entering into a civil partnership in France (PACS)
Understand everything about the PACS which is a more flexible contract than marriage between two adults.
Make a DAHO or DALO request
Request an emergency accommodation (DAHO) or housing (DALO) when your first applications failed.