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Important information

With Association Revivre

Target audience

AudienceStateless people, Asylum seekers, French citizens, Statutory refugees, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection


Free of charge

Availability requested

Days of attendanceMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Get help with your procedures

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What is it?

The Revivre Association helps refugees and asylum seekers in their administrative and social procedures.

We can also offer support in finding housing or accommodation.

Why is it interesting?

The Revivre association offers individual appointments to help carry out the administrative procedures.

Appointments can take place as often as needed.

Revivre's action is dedicated to refugees and asylum seekers. This allows us to best respond to the specificities of refugee and asylum seeker status.

In addition to help with administrative procedures and finding accommodation, Revivre also offers comprehensive support:

How to do it?

To contact us, you can send an email to

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12 contributors mobilized

claudia mclaudia mAdmin
houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
a mugniera mugnierAdmin
olga b.olga b.Translator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator