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Important information

Target audience

AudienceStatutory refugees, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Stateless people, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection


Free of charge

Where is it?

Create a personal account on the Étrangers en France website (ANEF)

Updated on a year ago

What is it?

The ANEF (Digital Administration for Foreigners in France) website allows you to carry out various administrative procedures online for foreigners in France.

Go to: (Foreigners in France)

The procedures available on this site are:

  • Validate a long-stay visa serving as a residence permit (VLS-TS)
  • Apply for or renew a residence card: "refugee" and "subsidiary protected", "student", "talent passport", "visitor", "seasonal worker"...
  • Request a travel document: travel document for foreigners (TVE), movement document for minor foreigners (DCEM)
  • Apply for French nationality
  • Apply for a work permit
  • Declare a change of situation (address, marital status and family situation)
  • Request a duplicate residence permit if your residence permit is lost or stolen.

By creating a personal account, you will be able to make a request and follow the progress of your file.

If you are in one of these situations, you already have an account on the Étrangers en France site:
- You have already validated your VLS-TS online. Your identifier is the “reference” indicated in the document “Confirmation of the validation of the registration of your VLS-TS” sent by email.
- You have already applied for a residence permit online on this site. Your ID is your “foreign number”.
In other situations, you must create a new account.

> Read to find out how to apply for a first residence permit: the Réfugié sheet “ Apply for residence permit

How to do it?

You can also log in with your FranceConnect credentials. You will, however, need to merge your Foreigners in France account and your FranceConnect account.

> To read: the Réfugié sheet “Connect to a site with FranceConnect”

To create your account, you must write:

  • Your foreign number or long-stay visa number (VLS)

    On the residence card, the foreign number is the 10-digit line above your signature (personal number) or on the right side vertically.
    On the visa, it's the number at the top right.
    To check in images where to find your number, you can click on the ? blue on the right on the site.
  • The start date of validity of the title, receipt, or visa
  • The expiry date of the title, receipt, or visa

Finally, click “Create Account”.

If you do not have a foreign number or visa, you can apply for a first residence permit by clicking here. You must specify your email address. You will receive an email with an identifier (which corresponds to your foreign number) and a temporary password. To confirm the creation of your account, you must click on "Connect", enter the username and temporary password. You can then choose your personalized password.

If you have a residence card or a receipt for a residence permit application, you must:

  • Write your email address
  • You will receive a verification email (do not forget to check your "spam" or "junk emails"). Open the email and click on the link to verify your address
  • Choose a "password".

If you have a visa:

  • Just write your email address
  • Your personal account will be confirmed as soon as an administrative agent processes your request. You will receive an email with your username and a temporary password. If you have not receive any link, do not forget to check your spam emails.

What happens next?

Log in to your personal account, click on your name at the top right of the home page and click on "ACCESS MY ACCOUNT".

You can follow the progress of your request. There are several possible situations:

  • Submission of the request: the submission of your request has been taken into account.
  • Instruction in progress: the administration has received your request, its processing is in progress. You must wait for the administration's decision. The administration can issue you with a “certificate of extension of instruction” (API, also called ADP), which will be available in your personal space. It is a temporary residence document which proves that you have the right to be in France legally and which specifies whether you can work.
  • Decision made: your request has been processed, a decision has been made.
  • Document available: in the event of a favorable decision, a “certificate of favorable decision” will be available in your personal space. Your document will be produced (residence card, circulation document, etc.).

Depending on the document requested, you will receive by email a summons to the prefecture to collect it OR an SMS to inform you that it is available and how to retrieve it.

If you do not receive an email or SMS, you must connect to the website of your prefecture of residence to find out how to retrieve your document.

If the administration needs an additional document, you will receive an email asking you to connect to your personal account. Log in, click the notification to find out which document is missing, and send it. The progress of your request may continue.
If you do not have the requested document, you can send a letter to explain your situation (you must write it by hand and take a photo or scan it). You can also write your explanations to the prefecture directly in the space provided.
> To read: the Réfugié sheet “Scan a document”

If you have a technical problem (blocked page, error message, etc.), you can contact the Citizens Contact Center (CCC):

  • by telephone at 0 806 001 620 (free number),
  • or with the contact form (“Contact” button at the bottom left of the screen). You must clearly explain your problem and send screenshots (site, date and time visible) with the error message if you have one.
If you cannot complete the process online, you can also receive help at a digital reception point of your department, prefecture or sub-prefecture. On site, you have access to a computer with internet and professionals give you explanations on how the Étrangers en France (ANEF) site works.
The CCC and the digital reception points can only assist you with technical problems. They cannot give you information on the progress of your file.
However, in the event of a blockage or if you are unable to make the request online, you must notify the CCC.

To recover your password if you have forgotten it:

  • click on “Forgot your password?” from the login page ,
  • specify your identifier (your foreign number or your email if you do not have a foreign number).

You will then receive a link in your email to choose a new password. If you don't receive a link, don't forget to check your spam emails.

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a mugniera mugnierAdmin
houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
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rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator