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Have a foreign diploma recognized in France (ENIC-NARIC)
Have your foreign diploma recognized to resume your studies in France or to find a job
Use your personal training account (CPF)
Find out how to access your Personal Training Account (CPF) and register for training.
Prepare a diploma in construction
Free and paid training in construction trades (plumber/heating engineer and electrician).

Training while working for specialist doctors or specialist pharmacists
Obtain the status of student intern to work in a hospital on a paid basis.
Training to learn a trade and get a job
Training and internship for a guaranteed position in a large company

Take e-learning course financed by Pôle emploi
Thanks to Pôle emploi, learn online on OpenClassrooms a job related to the digital sector

Train to become a cook
6-month cookery certification course with work placement and food truck experience

Do online training and learn a work-study job
With OpenClassrooms, a 100% online work-study program, to enter quickly the job market

Doing skills training and getting a place to live
Find accommodation and a job, be accompanied in the process, have a salary...

Qualify yourself and work in the building industry
The Geiq BTP BFC helps you find work in the field of building and public works (BTP)

Train in trades and sales
Work-study training, free and paid

Retraining in digital professions
Training in digital professions and French courses for women

Find a training course
We help you find the training that suits you according to your level and your project.

Connecting through culture and art
Learn the profession of cultural mediation, take French lessons, work with museums

Training to prepare for the sports coach diploma
Full preparation program for a sports coach, educator or sports instructor diploma

Learn basic digital skills
Passeport Numérique : an online training to learn how to use a computer in a professional context

Computer training
Training courses to learn how to use a computer in everyday life as well as in professional life.

Learn cooking skills and French
Training and professional support in the Ardèche for the catering and food professions.

Take a web development course
Two training programs (IT basics, work-study) to learn the job of web developer

Prepare for studies and professional integration
Be supported in building your professional career in Haute-Garonne!

Digital training
A free online educational platform for digital training.

Train and work in the construction industry
8-week training course (240 hours) in Île-de-France to prepare for a training/career in construction

Understanding and working in agriculture in France
Talk about agriculture in France and in your country (breeding, market gardening, orchards, beekeeping, etc.)

Training and finding a job in Villeurbanne
A program to find the job that suits you, studying and finding a job at the same time.

Follow a cooking training and open a business in Bordeau
We aim at accelerating the integration of refugee women into the kitchen by promoting their culinary heritage.

Take an online training funded by Île-de-France region
A diploma training course (RNCP title), funded and compensated for job seekers in Île-de-France region

Have access to qualifying training and housing
Support and train refugees in jobs that are recruiting.

Train both in French and building trades
3-month training course with French courses and technical workshops on building trades.

Become a plumber and heating specialist
This training prepares you for the Professional Title of Thermal and Sanitary Installer level 3.

Become a home assistant
Free beginner level training with French lessons to find a job easily

Become a floor layer
A work-linked training course leading to a certificate to learn the trade of floor layer.

Get a diploma
The VAE (validation of professional experience) system allows you to have your experience recognised and to obtain a diploma or title.

Kitchen training (catering)
Paid training to learn the job of kitchen assistant, French, find a job.

Paid training to find a job
The E2C is an integration plan for people who are far from employment and the school system.

Train as a cook
Training validated by a cook's CAP, leading to long-term employment.

Become a building equipment electrician
This training prepares you for the Professional Title of Building Equipment Electrician level 3.

Learn French to become a florist
French language training for women who want to become florists

Become a facade painter
This level 3 certification course prepares students for the Professional Title of Facade Painter.

Train as a Senior Technician in IT
Professional training at RNCP 5 level (bac+2) on a work-study basis.

Training to become a florist assistant
Professional training of 3 months for women and people in gender minority.

Train to work in the tourism, hotel and catering industries
Learn professional vocabulary and technical skills in sectors that are recruiting

Training to learn a trade
In 8 sectors: hairdressing, florist, mechanics, bakery, pastry shop, sales, catering, butchery

Preparing for a degree in construction
Work-study training in 3 years with a diploma, remuneration and integrated social support.
Become a house-painter
This certifying training prepares you for the Professional Title of House Painter.

Training to learn a trade and get a job
Paid training, vocational diploma, French lessons, administrative support and accommodation

Training in the catering profession
Pre-training for catering professions with reinforcement of the basics and discovery of professions

Working in the personal services sector
A training course that combines learning a trade with learning French.

Get training and find a job in construction
Know, train and meet companies in the construction sector, to have a permanent job

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Register with France Travail (Pôle emploi)
A public service to help you find a job or receive unemployment benefit

Work as a nurse with a non-EU diploma
Study in France to work as a nurse.
Become a nursing assistant in France
Do a one-year training to obtain the French nursing assistant diploma.
Applying for the European Qualifications Passport for Refugees (EQPR)
The EQPR allows you to certify your academic and professional skills if you no longer have your diplomas.
Find a job or training with France Travail
Find training or work that suits you with France Travail (Pôle emploi).

Resuming medical studies in France
To begin or resume studies in France as a doctor, midwife, dentist or pharmacist.
Become a pharmacy assistant with a non-EU diploma
Train to become a pharmacy assistant (DEUST) and specialize in working in a hospital
Become a dental assistant in France
Find out how to get the diploma and be able to work as a dental assistant in France.