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Important information

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Target audience

AudienceStatutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Stateless people, Beneficiaries of temporary protection
Level of FrenchB2, C1, C2


Be in possession of a residence permit or a receipt
Have a end of high school level

Where is it?

Become a nursing assistant in France

Updated on 9 months ago

What is it?

Since nursing assistant diplomas from outside the European Union are not recognized in France, you must obtain a French diploma to become a nursing assistant.

The training lasts one year and allows you to obtain a state nursing assistant diploma. The training takes place in a Caregiver Training Institute ( IFAS ). The selection (excluding Parcoursup) takes place in two stages: examination of the file then interview.

You can have your professional experience validated to obtain a nursing assistant diploma thanks to the “Experiences without Borders” system. To do this, you must have worked at least one year in the areas of care, comfort and hygiene.
> Read: the Réfugié sheet “Have your experience recognized with Experience Without Borders”

To be a caregiver in France, you must have at least a B2 level of French .

If you have a nursing diploma outside the EU, you can work as a nursing assistant.

How to do it?

You must submit your training application directly to the training institute(s) of your choice (IFAS). You will find by clicking here the different IFAS in France and by clicking here the documents to be provided with your application (including in particular a B2 level certificate in French).

The documents must be written in French or translated by a certified translator.
> To read also: the sheet "Requesting the official translation of a document"

The deadline for sending your file depends on each IFAS. For a return to school in September, this date is set between June 10 and June 30 of the same year.

There are free training centers to prepare for entry into nursing assistant training. You will learn how to submit your training file and practice for the job interview. More information by clicking here.

The purpose of the interview is to assess:

  • your human and relational qualities ,
  • your motivation to follow the training
  • and your professional project .
It lasts between 15 and 20 minutes and can be done remotely. The selection procedures are identical for all the training institutes.

You will be notified in writing of your results.

If you have a positive response, you have 7 working days to validate your registration with IFAS. Be careful to respect this deadline! Otherwise, your place will be given to an other candidate.

There are 1,540 hours of theoretical and clinical teaching divided between the training institute and the interships in a professional settings.

There are several scholarships and grants to finance your studies:

  • Scholarships can be requested from the local Mission if you are under 25 years old.
  • If you have already worked, you can get help from Pôle Emploi.
  • The Region can also fund a monthly grant for paramedical professions.
  • If you live in Ile-de-France, you can find all the help available here .
It is also possible to sign a study allowance contract with a public hospital service. This allows you to have a monthly scholarship in return for a commitment to serve 18 to 30 months within the hospital with which you sign the contract. This contract can be combined with the regional grant.

What happens next?

After obtaining your caregiver diploma, several possibilities are available to you.

The majority of caregivers work as employees and more than 70% work in clinics or hospitals. The others are recruited from nursing homes, institutions for the elderly or army health services.

You can also go back to school to become a nurse . You will find all the information by clicking here.

> To read also: the Réfugié sheet "Becoming a nurse in France"
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