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Work as a nurse with a non-EU diploma
Study in France to work as a nurse.
Become a nursing assistant in France
Do a one-year training to obtain the French nursing assistant diploma.
Take a DU Passerelle course
Obtain a university diploma (DU) to be able to resume studies at university
Applying for the European Qualifications Passport for Refugees (EQPR)
The EQPR allows you to certify your academic and professional skills if you no longer have your diplomas.
Applying to university
Find out how to join a university to study in France.
Become a pharmacy assistant with a non-EU diploma
Train to become a pharmacy assistant (DEUST) and specialize in working in a hospital
Become a dental assistant in France
Find out how to get the diploma and be able to work as a dental assistant in France.
Apply for a study grant
Apply for CROUS assistance for students: social criteria grant (BCS) or ASAA allowance.

Become a laboratory technician in France
Find out how to get a degree in France to work as a laboratory technician.
Get the Diploma of Access to University Studies (DAEU)
This diploma grants you the level of the baccalaureate and allows access to higher education.
Become a dietitian in France
Find out how to go back to school and work as a dietitian.
Become a physiotherapist with a non-EU diploma
Find out how to study in France to work as a physiotherapist.
Learn French at university in Paris (5th arrondissement)
Get a university degree to start or resume studies in France.

Become a pedicurist-podiatrist in France
Study for three years to work as a pedicurist-podiatrist.
Become an ambulance driver with a non-EU diploma
Find out how to study in France to become a paramedic.
Learn French at university in Saint-Denis
Obtain a university degree to begin or resume studies in France.

Create a DSE (Student Social File)
Create a student social file (DSE) to be able to apply for a scholarship or CROUS student accommodation

Study French at university in Strasbourg.
Get a University Diploma (DU) to start or resume studies in France.

Learn French at Créteil University
Obtain a university degree (DU) to begin or resume studies in France.

Working in clinical research with a medical or paramedical qualification from outside the EU
Work as a clinical research associate (ARC) or clinical study technician (TEC)
Learn French at Lyon 2 University
Obtain a university degree to start or resume studies in France.

Learn French at university in Villetaneuse
Obtain a university degree to begin or resume studies in France.

Learn French at the University of Nantes
Obtain a university degree to begin or resume studies in France.

Learn French at university in Paris (16th arrondissement)
Obtain a university degree to start or resume your studies in France.

Apprendre le français à l'université à Rennes
Faire un diplôme universitaire pour commencer ou reprendre des études en France.

Learn French at university in Paris (5th arrondissement)
Obtain a university degree to start or resume studies in France.

Learn French at university in Montpellier
For students with French courses from A1 to C1

Learn French at university in Dijon
Obtain a University Diploma (DU) to begin or resume studies in France.

Learn French to resume your studies
Learn French to resume studies in Lille.
Learn French at university in Paris (16th)
Obtain a university degree to begin or resume studies in France.

Learn French at Paris University (5th)
Obtain a university degree to start or resume studies in France.

Learn French to enter Nancy University
Obtain a university degree to start or resume studies in France

Learn French at Paris Saclay University (Sceaux campus)
Obtain a university degree to start or resume studies in France.

Learn French at university in Rouen
Obtain a university degree to start or resume studies in France

Learn French at the University of Nanterre (B1 level)
Obtain a university degree to begin or resume studies in France.

Learn French at university in Paris (5th arrondissement)
Obtain a university degree to start or resume your studies in France.

Learning French at university
Get a recognised diploma from the University of Toulouse to continue your studies in France or to work.

Learning French for university
The DU Passerelle (Gateway University Diploma) is a university diploma facilitating access to French universities.

Learn French at university in Caen
Obtain a university degree (DU) to begin or resume studies in France.

Learn French at university in Bordeaux
Obtain a university diploma (DU) to start or resume studies in France.

Learn French at Nanterre University (B2 level)
Get a university degree to start or resume studies in France.

Training to become an Interpreter Mediator
University diploma in mediation and interpreting for migrants

Learning French at university in Limoges
Get a University Degree to begin or resume studies in France.

Get financial aids to study in France
Apply individually to receive money during your studies.

Learn French at university in Paris (13th arrondissement)
Get a university diploma to start or resume studies in France.

Learn French at an engineering school in Champs-sur-Marne
Do a bridge training to start or resume studies in France.

Learn French at university in Lorient or Vannes
Take a university degree to start or resume studies in France.

Back to school
Get personalised support to help you continue your studies in France.

You may also be interested in these information sheets
Have a foreign diploma recognized in France (ENIC-NARIC)
Have your foreign diploma recognized to resume your studies in France or to find a job
Work as a doctor, dentist, pharmacist or midwife
Find out how to work in France in a medical profession with the diploma of your country.
CROUS student accommodation
The CROUS offers low-rent housing primarily for scholarship students.
Resuming medical studies in France
To begin or resume studies in France as a doctor, midwife, dentist or pharmacist.
Perform an intensive French training
20 hours of French lessons per week + activities at Jean Monnet University in Saint-Etienne

Participate in professional integration days
Facilitate the socio-professional integration of exiled persons through collective workshops

Work quickly in the early childhood sector
Practical guide to work and recognition of experience in early childhood professions.
Participate in career discovery days
Job discovery days to facilitate the socio-professional integration of exiled people