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Important information

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Target audience

AudienceStatutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Stateless people, Beneficiaries of temporary protection
Level of FrenchB2, C1, C2


Be in possession of a residence permit or a receipt

Where is it?

Become a dietitian in France

Updated on il y a 7 mois

What is it?

A specialist in nutrition, the dietician is a professional in the paramedical sector whose mission is both preventive and curative. He/she prevents cardiovascular risks, avoids excess weight and teaches people to eat well.

He/she can work as a liberal (have his own office) or in a public hospital.

People with a dietician degree outside the European Union must resume their studies in a high school offering the Higher technician degree in dietetics (BTS in dietetics). The training lasts 2 years.

You must have at least a B2 level of French.

You can also validate your professional experience in the field to obtain the diploma of higher dietetic technician (BTS dietetics), by doing a validation of acquired experience (VAE) . For this, you must have worked for a year in the fields of nutrition or dietetics. You have to fill out an application and pass an interview.

For more information on the training, you can consult the sheet on this system or the website of the school of dietetics and human nutrition.

How to do it?

To register, you must go through the Parcoursup platform on which you will find all the information and dates regarding registrations which generally begin in January. You must have a baccalaureate or an equivalent degree with a scientific specialty.

You will find by clicking here the formalities to register for this BTS and the list of high schools that offer it.

The training lasts 2 years and includes at least 20 weeks of internship in a professional environment.

It is possible to take work-study training under an apprenticeship contract (for those under 30) or under a professionalization contract (over 30).

The professionalization contract is a work-study contract, which means that your work is shared between the company that hires you and your training establishment where you take classes. It is your employer who pays for your studies.

You can sign a professionalization contract if:

  • you are between 16 and 25 years old
  • you are a jobseeker over the age of 26 and registered on the list of jobseekers,
  • you are a beneficiary of the active solidarity income (RSA), the specific solidarity allowance (ASS), the allowance for disabled adults (AAH), or a single integration contract.

What happens next?

If you are 25 years old or younger, you can apply for a scholarship from the local Mission.

In addition, if you have already worked in France, you can obtain assistance from Pôle emploi.

The Île-de-France Region can also finance a monthly grant for paramedical professions.

The BTS of dietetics allows to exercise in:

  • hospital or medico-social care establishments
  • extra-hospital care structures
  • collective catering
  • agro-food industries
  • a liberal office
  • a medical nutrition company
  • local authorities.

It is also possible to pursue your studies:

  • By integrating a university cycle to specialize and obtain, among other things, a license in biology and a license in agri-food,
  • By preparing a professional license in one year. For example in hygiene and safety of food production, safety and prevention of food risk, applied nutrition...
  • By entering the one-year higher technician adaptation preparatory class (ATS),
  • By integrating in parallel admission an engineering school in agronomy.

After 5 years of exercise in the hospital sector, it is possible to follow a health executive training to prepare for the dietician health executive competition.

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13 contributors mobilized

houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
a mugniera mugnierAdmin
olga b.olga b.Translator
meryem lakchinimeryem lakchiniTranslator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator