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Driver's licence exchange
Find out how to exchange a foreign driving license for a valid French license.

Take the driving license test as a free candidate
Everything you need to know about taking the code and the driving licence (B licence) as an independent candidate.
Take the driving test with a driving school
Everything you need to know about taking the code and the driving licence (B licence) with the help of a driving school.
Have a Navigo Pass to take transport in Île-de-France
A card and a subscription to take the metro, bus, tram, RER, train, in the Paris region.
Request the transport solidarity reduction in Île-de-France
50% discount or free subscription for transport in Île-de-France, on the Navigo Pass
Register a car
Find out how to get the registration certificate, which is like your car's identity card
Buy a car
How and where to buy a new or used car, register and insure it, technical inspections...
Get help from France Travail to pay for your driving license
The Pôle emploi driving licence grant (category B) can help you pay for the training and the test.
Ask for the production of your driving license
After passing the permit, the steps to request manufacturing directly on the France Titres website
Learn French for the Highway Code
A 200-hour training course to improve your French and learn the Highway Code

Learn to drive
Learn the highway code and take driving lessons

Get a loan to pay for the driving license
Interest-free loan from a bank to pay for driving licence training at a driving school.

Learn the highway code
This 200-hour training course allows you to improve your French while learning the highway code.

Get your driving licence to find a job
French lessons and individual support to help you take your driving test and enter the world of work
Take transport in the metropolis of Dijon
Subscriptions and reduced prices to pay less for transport

Getting around with T2C in Clermont-Ferrand
The Clermont-Ferrand urban transport authority (T2C) offers discounts on the monthly pass.

Find ways to get around
The Mobil'Eco association offers means of transport at solidarity rates.

Move around Clermont-Ferrand
Discover the Clermont Bus app to get around Clermont-Ferrand more easily

Learn the Highway Code
Prepare for the highway code in Brittany

Learn French highway code
Training to improve your French and the vocabulary of the highway code.

Be supported, be mobile
Be supported in mobility, getting a driving licence, and finding a job

Find ways to get around
Personalized support to find solutions to move around independently.

Be accompanied to pass your driving license
Workshops to validate your highway code, find out how to get help to pass your driving license...

Support to live and work in a small or medium-sized town
Discover work and life in rural and peri-urban areas in France

Find solutions to get around
Personalized support for getting around the area

Helping you take your driving test
Support platform to learn the Highway Code and driving

Be accompanied on your travels
Being able to go to your medical or administrative appointments, do errands, leisure activities, etc.

Find solutions to get around
The mobility platform supports people to have autonomy in their mobility.

Developing your mobility
Establish a mobility assessment to define an individualized action plan to develop your mobility

Prepare for the Highway Code exam
Minimum 5 hours per week: vocabulary, rules, signs, and preparation for taking the Highway Code test

Prepare for the Highway code
4 half-days per week to understand the Highway code, driving vocabulary, transport

Prepare for the driving license test
61-hour training course with vocabulary, explanations, assessment to be ready to take the Highway Code test

Preparing for and taking your driving test
Advice, driving, applying for financial help, vocabulary, support at a social driving school

Prepare and take the Highway Code
Explanations, classes and support provided by a social driving school

Know how to get around (public transport, bike, scooter, car)
Individual support to be mobile in Nantes, buy a car or a scooter.

Find solutions to move around
Support for mobility in the Roya and Vésubie valleys, solidarity transport, carpooling

Help to take the driver's license
Financial assistance with volunteer work to take your driver's license, adapted French and driving lessons

Assistance to get around
Services and tips for taking public transport and having a bike to go to work

You may also be interested in these information sheets
Make and use an e-photo
An e-photo is required for official documents. Explanations on how to make and use it on the internet.
Request a travel document
Apply for a travel document to travel outside France.

Applying for a DCEM (travel document for foreign minors)
Apply for a circulation document for a foreign minor on the website Étrangers en France (ANEF).
Travel to your country of origin
Find out how to obtain a "safe conduct" document allowing you to travel to your country of origin.
Find a stable home in France outside a tense area
Move to another region, outside Île-de-France and major French cities.

Leave Paris for the provinces of France with job and housing
Employment and housing through geographic mobility

Finance your professional project
Get finance to start a business, buy a car or get your driving licence.
Learn French for the highway code
French lessons to understand the vocabulary of the highway code and take the driving license with a driving school