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Important information

Target audience

AudienceStatutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Stateless people


Between 4.3 and 24.5 per month

Where is it?

Getting around with T2C in Clermont-Ferrand

Updated on 2 years ago

What is it?

Public transport in the Clermont conurbation (T2C ) offers reductions on the monthly pass for the general public, which currently stands at €60.

The Solid'Air Pricing takes into account the level of resources of each (based on the family quotient ) in order to promote access to urban transport for all.

Why is it interesting?

You can define a route and get travel suggestions by public transport.

Thanks to the Solid'Air Pricing, a monthly subscription can range from €4.30 to €24.50 per month instead of €60.

The steps vary depending on your situation:

  • Case n° 1: you receive allowances from the CAF (family allowance fund)

You can go to the T2C space with your family quotient certificate.

  • Case n°2: you do not receive benefits from the CAF but you have a tax (or non-tax) notice

You can go to the CCAS (municipal center for social action) in the town where you live.

  • Case 3: you cannot justify your income

You can approach the prescribing social services approved by the SMTC (Joint Public Transport Syndicate).

To find out more, go to this address !

There are offers suitable for everyone (monthly or annual subscription, single titles, etc.). Find all our fares and passes available on our website (see the " Tickets and Fares " menu )!

How to do it?

You can contact us for any information by filling out this form .

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13 contributors mobilized

houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
olga b.olga b.Translator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator