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Get your Vitale card
The carte Vitale is issued for free to anyone who benefits from health insurance.

Finding an on-duty pharmacy
Learn how to find a pharmacy that is open in the evening, at night, on Sundays or during a public holiday.
Applying for disability benefits from the MDPH
Find out how to apply for MDPH assistance or benefits in the event of a disability
Obtain complementary health insurance
The complementary health insurance (ex-CMU-C) allows you not to pay for medical care in advance.

Make a medical appointment on Doctolib
Doctolib is a free online platform that helps you make medical appointments.
Resuming medical studies in France
To begin or resume studies in France as a doctor, midwife, dentist or pharmacist.
Going to emergency
Find the nearest emergency services, find out how they treat you...
Get tested for sexually transmitted diseases
The sexually transmitted disease screening center offers screening

Do a health check-up
The Health Prevention Examination (EPS) is a free medical appointment to examine your health.
Accessing a psychological care centre
Medical-psychological centres (CMP) offer consultations with health specialists.
Déclarer un médecin traitant
Choisir et déclarer un médecin traitant pour un suivi médical et un meilleur remboursement
Get tested
Come to get tested for HIV and hepatitis and check on your sexual health. Confidential and free.

Being listened to and getting psychological help
A team of psychologists, integration counsellors, translators travel to bring psychological support

Get psychological support in Bordeaux
You are exiled and live in Bordeaux, you can have psychological support

Psychological support over the phone
Multilingual psychologists are at your service with free telephone consultations

Become a social care assistant
The profession of home care assistant allows quick employment in the medical and social (medico-social) field.
Getting food for free
Free distribution of food near you, in 24 centers of the department of Dijon (Côte d'Or)

How to get medical and psychological support
Psychological support for refugees, with an interpreter and medical follow-up.

Offering accompaniment for your application of medical care stay
Are you HIV positive? You can get help and personal support.

Get free hearing care
Hearing impaired people who don't have social security coverage or AME (Aide médicale d'Etat - State Medical Assistance) can get a hearing aid for free.

Get treatment
RLG35 is based on respect, offering intelligible information and the most appropriate support.

Abused Children: Getting Help
You are a child victim of physical or sexual violence, or you know one, call 119.

Protect yourself from HIV
Take care of your sexual health (advice, support, condoms, screening, etc.).

Access dental care
Solident offers dental care to people who cannot access the French healthcare system.

Get help and support
Support to help women leave violent situations and overcome their trauma.

Take a free health check-up in Dijon
Free and personalised preventive health check-up, by appointment only.

Be listened to if I am a victim of domestic/family violence
You are a victim of domestic or family violence, you will be listened to, helped, guided

Take a Covid-19 test
Which Covid-19 test to choose, where to do it, what are the next steps depending on the results?
Tuberculosis screening
Tuberculosis screening for people who have recently arrived in France
Get psychological support after a traumatic event
Support for post-traumatic stress syndrome with a translator

Run errands on a low budget
Come and benefit from food aid for your daily shopping.

Be put in touch with an interpreter during a medical visit
A healthcare interpreting tool for medical, paramedical and medico-social professionals.

Access appropriate care for rare haemorrhagic diseases
Hemophilia, Willebrand's disease, platelet pathologies, other rare coagulation diseases.

Find a place of refuge and support
L'espace is a place of exchange and expression for people touched by migration.

Become a childcare assistant
Childcare assistants work in both the health and early childhood sectors.
Learn to deal with difficult memories
Feel better in order to consider more serenely your socio-professional integration or your schooling.

Access medical care
For people who do not have access to care: social support and free care on site.

Find a place and get informations
Go to a day centre (where there is a social restaurant) and get emergency accommodation.

Get tested for tuberculosis
Learn how to screen for tuberculosis.

Get help to stay healthy
Health support in the Rouen Normandy metropolis: medical appointments, help with procedures, sports

Enjoy free coffees and meals
Free coffees and small meals, paid for in advance by other people. 4 per person, per week

Take care of yourself, get some rest, have a shower
These places are open to all to do laundry, rest and even have their hair done!

How to get vaccinated
Vaccination is one of the essential means of preventing infectious diseases.

Get full health support
To take your health situation into account in the professional integration process

Being supported in your health efforts
Improve your health and become independent in your efforts.

Working quickly in the medical-social sector
This sheet is dedicated to refugees holding a paramedical diploma issued outside the EU.
Participate in all-female support groups
Solidarité Femmes 21 offers support groups for women who have been the victims of violence and who are monitored by the association.

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Work as a nurse with a non-EU diploma
Study in France to work as a nurse.
Become a nursing assistant in France
Do a one-year training to obtain the French nursing assistant diploma.
Work as a doctor, dentist, pharmacist or midwife
Find out how to work in France in a medical profession with the diploma of your country.
Become a pharmacy assistant with a non-EU diploma
Train to become a pharmacy assistant (DEUST) and specialize in working in a hospital
Become a dental assistant in France
Find out how to get the diploma and be able to work as a dental assistant in France.
Become a laboratory technician in France
Find out how to get a degree in France to work as a laboratory technician.
Training while working for specialist doctors or specialist pharmacists
Obtain the status of student intern to work in a hospital on a paid basis.
Become a dietitian in France
Find out how to go back to school and work as a dietitian.