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Where is it?
Applying for disability benefits from the MDPH
What is it?
The Departmental House for the Disabled (Maison départementale des personnes handicapées or MDPH) is an information and support centre for disabled people in each department. It allocates specific assistance to disabled people, depending on their situation.
How to do it?
Each departmental center for people with disabilities offers several support and financial aid:
- Inclusion mobility card (CMI)
- Allowance for disabled adults (AAH)
- Disabled child education allowance (AEEH)
- Referral to a medico-social establishment or service (ESMS)
- Disability compensation benefit (PCH)
- Personalized schooling project (PPS)
- Vocational guidance / Vocational training
- Renewal of compensatory allowance (ACTP/ACFP)
- Free affiliation to the old-age insurance for stay-at-home parents (AVPF)
- Recognition of the status of disabled worker (RQTH)...
You can click on this link for more information on the aids.
To check if you are entitled to financial assistance, you can do a simulation on
If your situation entitles you to one or more financial aids, you must send a file to make your request by mail or online (see step 3).
1. To apply by mail, you must first download and fill in this document, then print it.
You can also take it from your MDPH, your town hall or the local social action center (CCAS) near you.
If the disabled person is over 18, it is advisable that their guardian or "curator" (the person responsible for their protection) accompany them to make the request.
2. These documents must be attached:
- a double-sided photocopy of an identity document (receipt or valid residence permit in France)
- a photocopy of proof of address less than 3 months old (electricity bill, telephone bill, tax notice, for people staying in accommodation, a sworn statement is required)
- a medical certificate less than one year old, especially for MDPH applications , with the date and signature of your doctor. To help you fill out this document, you can read this document .
- a certificate of judgment in legal protection (if you are concerned).
Other documents may be requested depending on your situation.
3. Send the documents (completed form and supporting documents) to the MDPH of your department by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt.
1. If you prefer to apply online, you must first scan all the documents from step 2.
> Read: the Réfugié sheet “Scan a document”.
2. Then go to the MDPH website online to make your request.
If you have any difficulties, you can ask for help directly at the reception of your MDPH.
- Click on your department or search for your MDPH with your postal code or your city. Click on "search"
- Then click on "register / log in"
- If you don't have an account, click on "create my account"
- If you already have an account, enter your email address and password, and click "login".
> Read: the Réfugié sheet “Connect to a site with FranceConnect”.
3. Fill in the form and upload the documents.
As soon as the MDPH receives your file, you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt.
Several professionals (doctors, psychologists, etc.) assess the situation to fully understand the difficulties and propose an appropriate response.
You will receive the response to your request within 4 months, by post or in your personal space on the MDPH website.
- If your file is incomplete and documents are missing, the MDPH will send you an email to ask you for additional information.
- If you have not received a response 4 months after sending your file, your request is considered "rejected", which means refused.
What happens next?
You must request renewal a maximum of 6 months before the expiry date, which means before the end date of the financial aid.
You must complete the same form as for the first request and check the box "I wish to renew my rights identically because I believe that my situation has not changed".
You must send the same documents as for the first application (see step 2).
If your situation has changed, you must update the information.
If you do not agree with the MDPH's response, you can do:
- a conciliation: a professional explains the decision to you
2 months maximum after the response from the MDPH, you can make a request for conciliation by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the MDPH.
Send a photocopy of the letter explaining that you are not eligible for the financial assistance you requested.
You can also include other documents or supporting evidence so that the MDPH can better understand your situation (for example: a letter from the doctor saying that your state of health has deteriorated since your request).
The conciliator arranges a meeting to explain the decision.
If you still do not agree with the decision, you have the option of filing an administrative appeal.
- an administrative appeal: the MDPH analyzes your request once again
Within 2 months maximum after the response from the MDPH, you must send a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the President of the Commission for the Rights and Autonomy of Disabled People (CDAPH).
The CDAPH then has 2 months to respond to you. If you do not receive a response, the contested decision is maintained, this means that the response from the MDPH does not change.
- a contentious appeal: the administrative or judicial court judges the request
After the administrative appeal, if you do not agree with the decision of the CDAPH, you can file a contentious appeal within a maximum of 2 months.
You must send a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the court responsible for your request with the response from the MDPH that you wish to contest.
The responsible court is different depending on the assistance you are requesting:
- Administrative court: recognition of the status of disabled worker (RQTH), professional orientation (for example: establishment and work support service, professional rehabilitation center, pre-orientation center), mobility inclusion card (CMI) parking.
- Judicial court: priority mobility inclusion card (CMI), disability mobility inclusion card (CMI), allowance for disabled adults (AAH), increase for independent living (MVA), allowance for the education of disabled children (AEEH) and its supplements, renewal of compensatory allowance (ACTP / ACFP), old-age insurance for parents at home, disability compensation benefit (PCH), measures relating to the schooling of disabled students, referral to medical-social establishments and services.
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