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Your search results
Get emergency accommodation by calling 115
Emergency number to be admitted free of charge to an emergency accommodation centre
Apply for social housing (HLM)
Apply for social housing (HLM) with a rent adapted to your income.
Make a DAHO or DALO request
Request an emergency accommodation (DAHO) or housing (DALO) when your first applications failed.
Apply for housing benefits
The CAF can give you aid (APL, ALF, ALS) to pay for your accommodation, depending on your situation.
CROUS student accommodation
The CROUS offers low-rent housing primarily for scholarship students.
Get the VISALE guarantee
VISALE allows to have a guarantor for your future accommodation.
Create an account on AL'in to find social housing
All Action Logement social housing offers for employees
Finding an accommodation
Adoma can offer you solutions to find accommodations with rents adapted to your situation.

Open a gas or electricity contract
A contract is required to use electricity or gas in your home
Find a stable home in France outside a tense area
Move to another region, outside Île-de-France and major French cities.

Applying for a tenancy
DossierFacile helps you create a complete and secure digital rental file
Managing my housing budget
Know how to organize housing expenses and save money
Accommodation and comprehensive support
Have access to temporary accommodation for 9 months and get help

Find accommodation adapted to your needs
SOLIHA offers rental accommodation with capped rents.

Day care centres in Paris
Support for learning French, professional integration and access to accommodation.

Finding accommodation outside Ile-de-France
A program for access to housing and return to work in a region of France.

Find an accommodation
COALLIA offers temporary furnished accommodations in Semur-en-Auxois and Montbard.

Find an ccommodation
"Les amitiés sociales" association (social friendships association) offer housing residences for young people

Get global support
Support for refugees according to their needs: housing, work, rights, etc.

Living in a temporary shared accommodation
Find temporary housing in multicultural shared accommodation

Find accomodation and support
Reception, accommodation and support for young people aged 18 to 30 in the Oise department

Be hosted and find support
The COALLIA association offers residences for young people in Semur-en-Auxois and Montbard.

Stay with a family
"J'accueille" connects families who have a free room and homeless refugees.

Get temporary housing for single people
Get support to find shared housing

Find temporary accommodation
Finding accommodation at a reduced price in Saint-Dié (88) in a hostel for young workers.

Find an accommodation and employment
ROUTE 37 is the unique reception and orientation platform in Indre-et-Loire for the integration of refugees.

Get help to find accommodation
Help to find accommodation and to do your formalities.
Find temporary accommodation
Renting a fully-equipped studio in a Foyer Jeunes Travailleurs in Nevers
Get accommodation and social support
An accommodation for 9 months and some help in all fields of daily life

Get temporary accommodation and support
Temporary housing and support for young refugees (18 to 30 years old)

Find temporary accommodation
Accommodation for young people aged between 16 and 30 who are working.

Find temporary accommodation and become independent
Stepping stone accommodation to facilitate the integration of beneficiaries of international protection

Get help with housing procedures
Housing support in Dieppe, Neufchatel en Bray, Gournay and Rouen Normandy metropolis

Get help with housing
Financial assistance and support to find or stay in accommodation

Find solutions for housing
Accommodation support service for young people aged 16 to 30

Learn to manage housing
Advice and real situations for living independently and safely in housing

Accommodation and support
Temporary accommodation (from 6 months to 1 year) and social support for families in Dôle, France.

Get help moving into a new home
Financial assistance to open meters, buy dishes or pay home insurance

Get help to equip your home
Financial assistance in Angers to purchase essential furniture and appliances for your home

Accommodation and assistance with administrative procedures
Assistance and support in finding temporary accommodation, help with administrative procedures

Avoir un logement et être accompagné
Accompagnement individuel et orientation pour trouver un logement adapté à votre situation, aide aux démarches

You may also be interested in these information sheets
Make an appointment with a social worker
A social worker can advise you and help you with your procedures.
Declaring a change of situation on Étrangers en France (ANEF)
Declare on the ANEF website your new address, the loss or theft of your residence permit, ...
Report a change of contact details to OFPRA
How to report a change of phone number, email or postal address to OFPRA

Create a DSE (Student Social File)
Create a student social file (DSE) to be able to apply for a scholarship or CROUS student accommodation

Leave Paris for the provinces of France with job and housing
Employment and housing through geographic mobility

Be accompanied in your procedures
The LAIR is a place of welcome and information for refugees in Lille.
Doing skills training and getting a place to live
Find accommodation and a job, be accompanied in the process, have a salary...

Get help with administrative procedures
Individual appointment for residence permit, CAF, France Travail, receipt, Vitale card, housing application