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Important information

With le Dispositif Insertion Réfugiés (DIR) : Refugees Insertion Plan

Proposed byCoallia

Target audience

AudienceStatutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Stateless people


Between 60 and 300 per month

Availability requested

Duration of commitmentAbout 12 months


Be in possession of a residence permit or a receipt
Have a bank account

Where is it?

Get temporary housing for single people

Updated on a year ago

What is it?

It is an access to temporary housing for single people in sublet or shared accommodation. You will have a single room in an apartment shared with other refugees (of the same sex).

In addition to housing, you have access to global social support according to your needs.

The duration of the sublet contract is 6 months, renewable every 6 months until new accommodation is offered to the beneficiary.

It is mandatory to have enough resources to integrate this system (e.g.: having a job, having a stable income, etc.).

Why is it interesting?

You can have access to:

  • Totally independent private accommodation
  • Furnished accommodation giving right to APL: a personalized housing assistance given by the Caf (subject to resource conditions).
The apartments are located in the main towns of Oise.

You must pay a security deposit equal to one month's rent when signing the rental contract.

Your rent will be calculated based on your APL rights (CAF personalized housing assistance).

We help you open the meters in your home. You need to know how to manage your energy consumption and pay your bills.

A social worker will be on site and will support you in your procedures according to your needs and your project:

  • Employment/training
  • Family (schooling, parenthood)
  • Budget and energy consumption management
  • Assistance with housing maintenance
  • Health
  • Search for independent housing.

How to do it?

You can call 115 or reach the social worker who accompanies you (CHRS, CCAS, CAF, etc.) and ask to benefit from this system.

If you meet the requirements, you will then be put in contact with the Coallia 60 Housing Integration Service (SIL).

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13 contributors mobilized

houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
a mugniera mugnierAdmin
aurélie drobecqaurélie drobecqWriter
olga b.olga b.Translator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator