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Managing my housing budget

Updated on il y a un an

What is it?

Managing your budget means knowing your expenses (the -) and your income (the +) so that you can plan for future expenses. Having more resources than expenses allows you to save money.

How to do it?

Housing expenses are high, fixed, regular and paramount, therefore, they have to bePLANNED.

They should not exceed a third of your total budget.

On installation:

  • Security deposit
  • Agency costs
  • Moving expenses
  • Opening of meters and telephone/internet line
  • Change of address and mail tracking

Regularly (every month/every two months):

  • Rent
  • Charges (water, electricity, gas, internet, telephone)
  • Home Insurance
Think about monthly payments!

Once a year:

  • Housing tax
  • TV license
  •  I know my income (net salary + social benefits) 
  •  I make a daily list of my expenses  
  •  I plan my future expenses and put money aside 
  • 1. Windows open = heating off or down.
  • 2. Day = 19 ° and night = 17 °. At night, close the shutters and curtains to save heating.
  • 3. A dripping tap or a leaking toilet flush = higher water bill!
  • 4. I don't let the water runningwhile I brush my teeth, wash the dishes or take a shower.
  • 5. I do not leave the refrigerator door open for too long.
  • 6. Frequent defrosting = energy savings.
  • 7. Place the refrigerator away from the oven and cooking hobs.
  • 8. Turn off the lights when leaving a room; turn off any electrical appliances that you do not use.
  • 9. Low consumption light bulbs = energy savings.
  • 10. Look at the energy-saving labels on household appliances (A = energy-efficient - G = not very energy-efficient).

What happens next?

  • Are you a beneficiary of the RSA? You can get reductions on your water and electricity bills thanks to the Tarif de Première Nécessité (first-need rate) and the Tarif Spécial Solidarité (special solidarity rate).
  • By taking advantage of "off-peak hours", you can reduce your electricity bills.
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21 contributors mobilized

houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
omar kokachomar kokachTranslator
aman expertaman expertTranslator
olga b.olga b.Translator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator