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Where is it?
Get emergency accommodation by calling 115
What is it?
115 is an emergency number to call if you have no accommodation (if you have been evicted or lost your accommodation) or if you have to leave your accommodation because of domestic violence.
This is not a reception structure with rooms, it is a service that can help you find emergency accommodation for the night, in a center where there is still a place.
It works even if you no longer have a phone plan (like other emergency numbers: fire brigade, SAMU, police , etc.).
Please note that places in emergency shelters are limited and 115 is in high demand. You often have to call several times and it is not always possible to find a place.
Call 115 only in case of emergency and only if you have no other options (staying with a relative, etc.).
If you are in danger on the street and it is cold outside, call 115 directly without waiting until the evening.
If you can, go see the social services of your town hall , your social worker or an association in your town to find a stable solution.
How to do it?
A person will answer you and ask you questions to understand the urgency of your situation.
If there is no answer, you must insist and call 115 several times to speak to someone.
You can also get information about:
- emergency accommodation or day care places
- free meal distribution locations
- health centers
- social services in your department
- the aid and rights available.
115 takes your contact details (first name, last name, telephone number) and finds out about available places near you.
Usually, the accommodation center that has space will call you back directly.
Depending on your situation, location and number of places, you can go to different types of accommodation:
- emergency shelters,
- motherhood centers for pregnant women and single mothers,
- young workers' homes,
- migrant workers' homes.
> Read: the Réfugié fact sheet “ Be listened to if I am a victim of family or domestic violence ”
In general, in an emergency shelter, you can:
- get a warm place to sleep
- eat a hot meal
- wash yourself.
- Other centers are only open at night, which means you have to leave in the morning.
- Day care centers offer services during the day, but no overnight accommodation.
The duration of accommodation varies depending on the center.
In addition to helping you in your emergency situation, social workers in these centers can guide you towards a more sustainable solution (stable accommodation, social housing).
What happens next?
Social housing, also called low-rent housing (HLM), is only for people with low or average incomes who have difficulty finding private housing.
Social housing rents are cheaper than private housing.
The waiting time for social housing can be long (several years). It depends on your personal situation, the type of housing and the city requested.
And certain situations may make your request a priority: for example, if you are homeless, a victim of violence or disabled.
> Everything is explained in this Réfugié sheet: “Applying for social housing”
If after several requests, no accommodation or housing suitable for your situation has been offered, you can use the right of access to enforceable accommodation (DAHO ) or the right of access to enforceable housing (DALO).
You must submit a file explaining your previous requests and your current situation, to show that you are "in an emergency situation" and therefore have priority for accommodation or housing.
- To make a DALO request, there are conditions.
> Everything is explained in this Réfugié sheet: “Make a DAHO or DALO request”.
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