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Important information

Target audience

AudienceAsylum seekers, Statutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Stateless people, French citizens


Free of charge

Where is it?

Get emergency accommodation by calling 115

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What is it?

115 is an emergency number to call if you have no accommodation (in the event of eviction, absence or loss of accommodation) or if you are a victim of domestic violence.

Everyone can call 115 to be welcomed free of charge in an emergency accommodation centre.

115 is a free number accessible 24 hours a day, every day of the year, everywhere in France. It works even if you no longer have a phone plan (like other emergency numbers: firefighters, SAMU, police, etc.).

Please note that places in emergency accommodation centers are limited and the services of 115 are in high demand. It is often necessary to call several times and it is not always possible to find a place. It is advisable to call 115 only in an emergency and only if you have no other solutions (accommodation with a relative, etc.)

Before calling 115, if you can, go see the social services of your town hall to find a solution.

If you are in danger (violence, etc.) or if you are exposed to the cold, do not hesitate to call 115 directly.

How to do it?

Call number 115.

Someone will answer you.

A simultaneous translation service allows them to respond in all languages.

You will be able to have information on:

  • the possibilities of emergency accommodation or day-time stay,
  • meal distribution locations,
  • care structures (for health),
  • the social services of your department.

The 115 takes your contact details and finds out about the places available in your area. In general, the accommodation center that has space will contact you directly.

Depending on your situation, your location and the number of places, you can access different types of accommodation:

  • emergency shelters,
  • maternal centers for pregnant women and single mothers,
  • hostels for young workers,
  • homes of migrant workers.

In addition, other help may be offered.

For example, if you are a victim of violence, an appointment at a specialized reception center may be offered to you in addition to emergency accommodation.

In general, emergency shelters cover the most important needs:

  • shelter (sleep in warmth)
  • meal (food)
  • hygiene (shower).
In some cases, reception takes place day and night; but in other cases only at night. However, certain structures, the "day centres", offer services during the day but no accommodation for the night.

The duration of the accommodation is variable. The objective is to accompany you towards a more sustainable solution (stable accommodation or care structure, social housing), with social workers.

What happens next?

If no accommodation corresponding to your situation can be offered to you, you can assert the right to enforceable accommodation (DAHO).

This procedure makes your accommodation request a priority and therefore gives you a second chance to receive a proposal! Go to this page to find out more.

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11 contributors mobilized

a mugniera mugnierAdmin
houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
olga b.olga b.Translator
дана турыгинадана турыгинаTranslator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator