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Important information

Target audience

AudienceStatutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Stateless people, French citizens
Specific audienceYoung people


Free of charge


Be in possession of a residence permit or a receipt

Where is it?

Create a DSE (Student Social File)

Updated on a year ago

What is it?

The student social file (DSE) is used to request:

  • a scholarship (financial aid granted under certains conditions to students who have difficulty financing their university studies)
  • and/or accommodation in a hall of residence or university residence.

To read: the Réfugié files Applying for a study grant and Having Crous student accommodation

This file must be completed each year between March 1 and May 31 for the following academic year (example: between March 1, 2024 and May 31, 2024 for the 2024/2025 study year).

You must create or already have an account on the website. Then, simply click on “Request for student social file (DSE)” and follow the online procedure. You will be asked for supporting documents at the end of your data entry (see steps below).

To benefit from student status, you must be registered in a French higher education institution. You must have the INE (National Student Identity) number to officially be a student and to benefit from aid. The INE number is made up of 11 characters (10 digits + 1 letter or 9 digits + 2 letters).

How to do it?

You must create an account on the following site:

3 parts will need to be completed:

  • Identity
  • Email address
  • National Student Identification (INE)
At the end of your registration, you will receive an email with a verification code (6 letters) to enter in your registration form.

Foreign students must answer additional questions about their nationality in order to be granted or refused access to the DSE (Dossier social étudiant).

→ The status of refugee, beneficiary of subsidiary or temporary protection, or of child welfare (ASE) allows access to the DSE.

→ Foreign students who are not in these situations must have been in France for at least 2 years as of September 1st of the academic year concerned by the request, demonstrate affiliation to a tax home of attachment to their parents or guardians in France for at least 2 years and have a valid residence permit to be eligible for the DSE request.

To access the DSE request, you must log in to your account:

  • Go to the website
  • Click on the “connect” button located at the top right of the site page. Then enter your email and password.
  • Finally click on the Student Social File (DSE) request.

Fill in the information requested during the procedure. The form is adapted to your student and family situation.

→ Step “Parents’ N-2 place of work”: Be sure to indicate whether your parents worked abroad.

→ “Income received in N-2” step: indicate your parents’ tax ID to proceed with automatic data recovery. If automatic recovery does not work, you must manually indicate the N-2 income.

→ “My bank details” step: the IBAN to indicate must be in your first and last name.

Submit the requested supporting documents at the end of the process (possibility of submitting them afterwards, by clicking on “submit later”).

Then proceed to sign your file and pay the application fee (less than 10 euros).

Finally, validate your request and save your file.

It takes between 1 month and 3 months for your file to be processed. If your file is complete, you no longer have to take any further steps. Otherwise, you must send the requested documents as quickly as possible.

If your file is complete, you will receive a conditional scholarship notification by email . You must send it to your educational institution.

As soon as your registration is confirmed by your educational institution, you will receive your final notification and will be able to receive your scholarship.

What happens next?

To follow up on your request:

Tracking allows you to:

  • Check the status of your file (e.g.: currently being processed, validated, etc.)
  • Complete your file (online submission of supporting documents)
  • Change your IBAN
  • Download your documents if you are a scholarship holder (documents also sent by email):
    - Conditional notification upon finalization of the examination of the file (complete file)
    - The final notification is sent upon confirmation of your registration in your establishment
  • Monitor the payment of your monthly scholarship payments

To access the submission of accomodation wishes, you must then:

We recommend that you read this Réfugié sheet “Obtain Crous student accommodation” which explains the entire process in detail.
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marianne georgesmarianne georgesAdmin
houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
a mugniera mugnierAdmin
olga b.olga b.Translator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator