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Important information

Target audience

AudienceAsylum seekers, Statutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Stateless people, French citizens


Free of charge

Where is it?

Make an appointment with a social worker

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What is it?

A Social Service Assistant (ASS), also called a social worker, supports people facing financial, social, health or psychological difficulties.

This assistant can advise you, assist you in your applications and direct you to the services that can meet your needs.

The social worker can support you in several areas: housing, professional integration, health, mobility, child protection, managing your budget, over-indebtedness, loss of autonomy ...

An assistant can, for example, help you to make a request for social housing or social assistance, to benefit from the RSA, to look for a job, to access health services ...

How to find your social worker?

You can find social workers with:

  • The Communal Social Action Center (CCAS) of your municipality;
  • Your Departmental Council ;
  • The Family Allowance Fund (CAF) closest to you;
  • But also within specialized establishments such as your Social Security Fund (CPAM), health care centers, CROUS, medico-social establishments, penitentiary establishments, schools, the Departmental House for the Disabled, the local missions, etc.
If you do not know which structure to contact, do not hesitate to call the town hall of your municipality who can advise you.

For example, the CCAS and the Departmental Council offer you general support, while the CAF will rather help you to carry out your procedures for all questions relating to the family. The Social Security Fund supports you in accessing specific care or obtaining health assistance, while the local Missions can offer appointments to support young people in their job search, etc.

How to do it?

For the CCAS or the Departmental Council, you must go to the public service directory:

  • If you are looking for a CCAS , indicate the word "Mairie" in the box “Who? / What ?" box ; then specify its postal code (5 digits) in the box “Où?”.
    Click on the link of the town hall of your city to find the contact details of your town hall.
  • If you are looking for a Departmental Council, in the “Who? / What?”, enter “Conseil départemental” and then the name of your department in the “Où?” box.
    Click on the link for your Departmental Council to find its contact details.

For CAF, you must go to the CAF website at the following address:

  • You must then indicate your postal code in the “Ma Caf” box at the top right of the site.
    Click on “Contacter ma CAF” a little lower on the right or “Nous contacter” in order to have the contact details (phone + email).

You must now call or go to the place where your CAF, Departmental Council (Conseil départemental) or CCAS is located to find out how to make an appointment with a social worker.

You will then probably be given the contact details of the competent service that you can contact in order to make an appointment.

Do not hesitate to contact an assistant yourself to help you with your formalities, even if you have difficulty in French. This person is there to help.

What happens next?

Once you have decided on a date and time with the case worker, you will need to go to your appointment. You can then explain to him/her the problems you are facing.

Do not forget to gather the documents relating to your request: proof of address to verify the sectorization, the last three payslips, tax, the various invoices, etc.

The social worker may ask you for them at the start of the appointment.

During your interview, the assistant will carry out a complete and personalized diagnosis of your situation . He/she will then be able to assist you in your efforts and advise you in order to offer you appropriate services and find solutions to your difficulties.

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a mugniera mugnierAdmin
fatma bouhejbafatma bouhejbaAdmin
houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
omar kokachomar kokachTranslator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator
olga b.olga b.Translator
aman expertaman expertTranslator