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Work as a nurse with a non-EU diploma
What is it?
Nursing diplomas from outside the European Union are not recognized in France and refugees must start their studies again to obtain a French diploma and be able to practice.
It takes 3 years of higher education to obtain a State Nursing Diploma (DEI). Studies include theoretical courses and practical internships.
Nursing Training Institutes (IFSI) are the only establishments that can issue a DEI.
You must have at least a B2 level in French .
How to do it?
People with diplomas from outside the European Union must resume their studies in a Nursing Training Institute (IFSI) to complete their education there and obtain the State diploma in Nursing.
Four registration methods are possible:
- Enroll in the first year of IFSI by Parcoursup. Registration is done on the Parcoursup platform. Once registered, it is possible to validate some of the subjects that you have already taken in your country of origin.
- Enter IFSI by competitive examination after three years of professional experience in France in any field (continuing professional training).
- Enter IFSI after one year of college (gateway after PASS or LAS).
- Accelerated nursing studies for people holding a diploma allowing them to practice medicine or midwifery in their country.
Moreover, after the first year, nursing studies can be done as an apprenticeship.
> To read: the sheet "Obtain an official translation of a document"
You will find on the Parcoursup website information on registration dates (which begin in January) and how to proceed.
You will also find on Parcoursup advice and details on nursing studies.
After registration, it is possible to be exempted from some of the subjects already validated in the country of origin.
For this, you must present a file to a commission of the institute and then pass an oral interview. It is this commission that decides on subject exemptions.
Here is the list of documents to put in your file:
- a CV,
- a cover letter,
- the original of the diplomas obtained,
- a comparison of the study program followed by the candidate in the country of origin compared to the French program.
It is possible to enter IFSI by competitive examination after three years of professional experience in France. Any adult, regardless of age and level of education, can enter this competition.
Depending on the course, exemptions are possible for the first year.
The conditions to be met to register for the IFSI competition are to have worked for 3 years full time and to have contributed to a social protection scheme during this period (36 months) in France and in any field (it is not necessary to have worked in the health field before, but it can help to be accepted in an IFSI).
Your file must contain:
- supporting documents ( e.g. employment contract) proving your experience,
- a detailed covering letter explaining why you have decided to change careers and become a nurse.
After registration, you must take a competitive exam consisting of two written tests (general knowledge and mathematics) and an oral exam.
Please note, the nursing competition takes place every year around February-March.
To prepare for entry into an IFSI and for work, you can find advice on reading, films, knowledge review (French, mathematics, anatomy) by clicking here .
A refugee can enter the second year of IFSI after a year of PASS (specific health access courses) or LAS (licensees with “health access” option).
People holding a diploma allowing them to practice outside the European Union in medicine or midwifery (midwifery) can do accelerated nursing studies (six months) with internships in hospitals.
See: Order of July 31, 2009 relating to the state nursing diploma, article 9
You can find by clicking here the list of institutions offering these training courses in Île-de-France.
To register, you must submit an application file and take an oral exam in front of a jury made up of the director of the IFSI, the educational coordinator and a health executive. This oral exam is used to assess your level of French, motivation and professional project.
What happens next?
Nursing studies cost money. The training generally lasts 3 years, with a rhythm of 35 hours per week. This makes it difficult to work at the same time.
In certain situations, it is possible to have your IFSI studies financed or to receive aid.
There are two types of IFSI, public and private IFSI, and tuition fees vary depending on the type of institution and region.
The cost of studies:
Training in public IFSIs is free for all students continuing their studies and/or registered with Pôle Emploi.
However, the university registration fees for a bachelor's degree are € 170 (for 2022-2023) and the Contribution to Student and Campus Life (CVEC) of € 92 (in 2022) are not covered by the State, unless you are on a scholarship.
You must also plan a budget between €90 and €120 for registration for the nursing competition to enter IFSI.
In private and Red Cross institutes, in addition to competition and university registration fees, tuition fees can vary between €700 and €2,000 per year depending on the training structures.
Finally, the purchase of books and materials can vary between €30 and €200 .
Financial aid:
- Pôle emploi can finance up to €8,000 per year for people who have worked and contributed for at least six months. Assistance from employment centers varies depending on the region. You will find more detailed information on the different Pôle emploi benefits here .
- It is also possible to benefit from a study grant contract. The study grant contract is a monthly scholarship, paid to a student from the second year of training, in return for a commitment to serve for 18 to 30 months within the hospital with which he signs the contract. This contract can be combined with the regional scholarship.
- If you live in Île-de-France, you can find all the assistance available by clicking here.
During training, students benefit from internship and transportation allowances.
For example, these internship allowances in 2023 are:
- €36 per week of internship in 1st year
- €46 per week of internship in 2nd year
- €60 per week of internship in 3rd year
Doing an apprenticeship as a nurse also allows you to finance your studies.
From the second year , training can be done as an apprenticeship for people under 30 years old. The student is employed by a hospital which will finance his studies and the student undertakes to work as a caregiver during the school holidays at the hospital.
To do an apprenticeship, you must:
- Be under the age of 30 or have Recognition of the Quality of "Disabled Worker" without age condition
- Be admitted to a partner IFSI
- Have validated your first year of training and obtained the nursing assistant equivalence
- Have found an employer
After obtaining the nursing diploma, you can work as a nurse in a hospital or in private practice.
It is also possible to continue studies to specialize, in 4 ways:
- Operating Room Nurse (18 months of study)
- Nurse-childcare worker (1 year of study)
- Nurse Anesthetist (after 2 years of practice)
- Advanced Practice Nurse (2 years of study and 3 years of practice as a nurse)
Finally, after 4 years of practice, it is possible to access management positions by validating the health management diploma (10 months).
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