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Important information

With the AIDES association

Proposed byAIDES

Target audience

AudienceStatutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Stateless people


Free of charge

Where is it?

Get tested

Updated on il y a 2 ans

What is it?

We offer free rapid tests, called "TROD" ( Rapid Diagnostic Tests), for HIV (AIDS virus), hepatitis C and hepatitis B. Testing for HIV allows you to find out whether you are infected or not.

These tests can be carried out after an interview in our offices or during our actions in different places

Why is it interesting?

Before taking the test with us, an interview with one of our activists will allow you to complete your knowledge of the transmission of HIV and other STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections) and assess your exposure to the risk of contamination. Knowing the transmission modes is the best way to make the right choices to protect yourself and others.

  • If you've never been tested, this is the only way to know if you have HIV or not.
  • If you don't always protect yourself when having sex, it is recommended that you get tested at least once a year.
  • If you are planning on living as a couple, both of you should get tested before stopping using a condom.
  • If you have been/are an intravenous drug user and have shared injecting equipment with other people, it is best to get tested for HIV / Hepatitis.

Please note : In addition to screening for HIV, it is also recommended to screen for hepatitis and STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections).


* HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus:

when a person is infected, HIV gradually attacks certain cells that coordinate immunity (the body's defenses against germs).

* AIDS stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome:

in the absence of effective treatment, the cells coordinating immunity may become fewer and fewer and immunity may be less effective. More and more serious diseases are then likely to develop. Some diseases are called "opportunistic diseases" because they take advantage of the reduced immunity to develop. When a person has one or more diseases of this type, they are said to have AIDS.

There are different types of tests to find out if you have HIV / AIDS:

- Classic test ( ELISA ): the blood screening test looks for the presence of antibodies in the blood, proof of infection. It is reliable if it is carried out six weeks after taking the risk: a period of 1 and a half months must have elapsed after the last risk-taking.

- Rapid test: the TROD (Rapid diagnostic orientation test) provides a result in 30 minutes maximum. It works from a few drops of blood taken from the tip of a finger. A period of 3 months (12 weeks) must have elapsed after the last risk taking. If the rapid test is positive, it must be confirmed by a classic screening test (ELISA), carried out in a laboratory or a CeGIDD (Free Information, Screening and Diagnosis Center).

- Self-test: the HIV self-test allows screening for HIV, the AIDS virus. It is made from a drop of blood and using an auto-pricker, in the conditions that suit you best: alone, with a friend, with your doctor, in a pharmacy, etc. The HIV self-test is reliable for a risk taken more than three months (12 weeks) ago. The result is obtained after 15 minutes.


Hepatitis A is caused by the HAV virus which is usually transmitted through the ingestion of contaminated food (shellfish, contaminated water). But it can also be transmitted sexually during oral-anal practices (rimming).

Hepatitis B is an infection with HBV that is easily transmitted. In France, a lot of contamination is done through the sexual way. Only hepatitis B is a full-fledged sexually transmitted infection, but other hepatitis can therefore be contracted during sexual practices under certain conditions .

Hepatitis C is not considered an STI since it is transmitted mainly through blood exchange. Transmission through sexual intercourse can occur if

- one person is on their periods,

- unprotected anal intercourse,

- traumatic reports (damaging the mucous membranes) or "hard" (fist, etc.).

Hepatitis B and hepatitis C:

When to take the test ? A test for hepatitis B and C may be considered if you answer yes at least once to any of the following statements:

- I was transfused before 1992,

- I tried drugs (even a long time ago) either by sniffing, or by injection, or I shared small injection equipment,

- I have undergone major surgery,

- I was hospitalized for heavy care,

- my mother is a carrier of the hepatitis B or C virus,

- my partner is a carrier of the hepatitis B or C virus,

- one of my close family members is a carrier of the hepatitis B or C virus,

- I had transcutaneous medical examinations or acupuncture,

- I had a piercing or tattoo done,

- I was imprisoned at some point in my life,

- I have liver disease or jaundice.

AIDES offers you in complete confidentiality:

- Information, condoms, gel and harm reduction material,

- HIV rapid test (AIDS virus),

- Rapid HCV test (hepatitis C),

- HBV rapid test (hepatitis B),

- HIV self-tests.

Good to know: There is no need to fast when you want to be screened.

It is recommended to screen for all STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections: chlamydia, gonococci, etc.) also in the city laboratory or in a CEGIDD.

In France, it is possible to do an HIV, STI and Hepatitis screening test:

- in a CEGIDD (Free Center for Information, Screening and Diagnosis),

- in a medical analysis laboratory (with or without a prescription depending on the laboratory),

- in association premises such as AIDES or authorized mobile devices (TROD),

- at the place of his choice with an HIV self-test.

In the event of a positive result, we are there to support you and assist you in your various procedures (rights, care, etc.). More info on the sheets "Breaking isolation" and "Being supported".

How to do it?

To find the AIDES office closest to you, do not hesitate to consult the interactive map below and to call us to check our schedules.

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14 contributors mobilized

houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
basheer al ghothanibasheer al ghothaniTranslator
olga b.olga b.Translator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator
maddie bmaddie bTranslator