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Target audience

AudienceStatutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Stateless people, French citizens
Level of FrenchA2


Free of charge

Where is it?

Become a social care assistant

Updated on 6 months ago

What is it?

The social care assistant (AVS in French) helps sick, disabled or vulnerable people or the elderly, who are very dependent, to carry out ordinary day-to-day activities.

As part of their personal assistance (individual aid) activities, the AVS is present to facilitate getting up, going to bed, going to the toilet, and hygiene care (excluding nursing care). The AVS provide support when fitting devices for people with disabilities.

The AVS is in charge of the preparation and taking of meals, and the housework. They take care of administrative procedures, outings, shopping, etc.

Most social care assistants work part-time.

To be a social care assistant, you must have the State Diploma of Educational and Social Support Worker (DEAES in French) or the professional title of Family Life Assistant (TP ADVF in French) .

You can have your professional experience validated (VAE) to obtain one of these diplomas, thanks to the “Expériences sans frontières” program. To this end, you must have worked for at least one year in the personal services field. While getting your VAE, you can work in the medico-social field at the same time.

How to do it?

France travail offers free and paid online training courses : “Skills and you”.

To enroll, you must:

  1. Log in to your candidate area on the France Travail website or mobile application;
  2. In the "course search" section, select “distance learning” to access the catalog.
  3. Find the Skills and You “care assistant” ("auxiliaire de vie) training course and click on it to request to be called back.

You will be contacted within 48 hours to discuss your motivations and evaluate whether your profile fits the one sought after for free and paid social care assistant training.

If you do not fit the free and paid course's profile, you can search for a training center on France Travail's website.

The course lasts 600 hours.

You then have to do an internship :

  • 3 weeks with children (disabled or not) ;
  • 3 weeks with dependent elderly people.

The internship is shorter if you have experience in the field.

You will need to pass an exam to validate the course and obtain the professional title of Family life assistant.

If you didn't get a place in the free and paid training course, there are possibilities to finance your studies:

  • If you are a job seeker, you can ask your France Travail advisor to fund of your training.
  • Your Region can also fund a monthly grant for paramedical professions. Example for Île-de-France.

What happens next?

You will be able to work:

  • In home help associations
  • In establishments for the elderly or disabled.
It won't be difficult for you to find a job, because with the ageing of the population, caring for dependent elderly people is a major challenge. Around 1,200,000 people will be dependent by 2040, compared with 800,000 today (source: Insee).
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houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
a mugniera mugnierAdmin
nour alhoudanour alhoudaTranslator
andrei samokhotkinandrei samokhotkinTranslator