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Target audience

AudienceAsylum seekers, Statutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Stateless people, French citizens


Free of charge

Where is it?

Take a Covid-19 test

Updated on 3 дні тому

What is it?

Are you sick and don't know if you have Covid-19? It is advisable to take a test!

The Covid-19 screening test is aimed at all people:

  • having been in contact with a person sick with Covid-19
  • having the most common symptoms of the disease: fever, cough, fatigue, loss of smell and/or taste, sore throat, headache, body aches, diarrhea, etc.
  • wishing to travel to certain countries that require a negative test
  • having the obligation to be tested for hospitalization or an operation, for example.
The tests are carried out by the “nasopharyngeal route” (passing through the nose) or in certain cases “salivary” (in the mouth).

There are several types of screening tests:

  • the self-test,
  • the antigen test,
  • the PCR test.
Warning: if you have serious symptoms (shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, chest pain), do not seek a test! You must immediately call emergency services (call 15 or 18).

How to do it?

Option 1: self-test

The nasal self-test can be purchased in pharmacies. The maximum selling price of a self-test is 3.35 euros. It is not reimbursed by Health Insurance, except in a few special cases.

It is quick and easy to use, but less reliable than other types of tests. The result is available in 15 minutes.

Option 2: the antigen test

The nasopharyngeal antigen test (in the nose) is carried out by a health professional (pharmacist, doctor, nurse, dentist, etc.) in an office, a screening center, a pharmacy, an analysis laboratory or at home. Results are available within 15 minutes.

Antigen tests are not 100% covered by Health Insurance. The maximum price of an antigen test is 20 euros for the patient.

Option 3: the PCR test

The nasopharyngeal PCR test is also carried out by a healthcare professional. Results are available within 24 hours maximum. It allows you to confirm a positive self-test. It is more reliable than the antigen test or self-test.

PCR tests are not 100% covered by Health Insurance. The maximum price of a PCR test is 40 euros for the patient.

It is also possible to do a saliva PCR test. Carried out by a healthcare professional, it is recommended when it is difficult or impossible to take a nasopharyngeal swab (for example for very young children).

To take a self-test: go to a pharmacy, buy a test and perform the test yourself at home. The self-tests include instructions, translated into several languages, with drawings allowing you to fully understand the steps.

To perform an antigen test or a nasopharyngeal or salivary PCR test, you have several options:

> go to a nearby screening center. The list of screening centers is available on Pay attention to the fact that you may have to contact them before going there.

> make an appointment with a healthcare professional: pharmacy, doctor, etc. You can make an appointment by telephone or on the Internet (on pharmacy website or via the Doctolib platform, for example).

If you have any doubt, do not hesitate to call a doctor or a pharmacy near you, to help you in the process.

On the day of the test, come with a mask and your Vitale card or your health insurance rights certificate. If you are in a situation where the test is reimbursed, you will not have to pay anything.

If you are having a child tested, inform the healthcare professional before making an appointment so that a suitable test can be applied.

What happens next?

Option 1: if the result is negative

Stay cautious if you have symptoms. If in doubt, take another test a few days later.

Option 2: if the result is positive

You no longer have to isolate yourself, but it is advisable to respect barrier gestures: wearing a mask and physical distancing.

Avoid contact with vulnerable people.

Inform the people with whom you have been in contact.

Inform your employer if you are an employee and opt for teleworking if possible.

And above all, get some rest!

If you are worried about the symptoms, you can call your doctor to make an appointment.
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