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AudienceAsylum seekers, Statutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Stateless people, French citizens


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Finding an on-duty pharmacy

Updated on 2 years ago

What is it?

A duty pharmacy is a pharmacy that is open outside working hours.

Evenings, nights, Sundays and public holidays, if you need medication, you have to find the closest on-duty pharmacy.

The list of duty pharmacies changes regularly.

How to do it?

To find the closest on-duty pharmacy, you can:

Call 3237 (this telephone service is chargeable)


Go to the website

  • Write your postal code or the name of your city.
  • Click on “search”.
  • Choose the time you expect to arrive at the on-duty pharmacy.
  • The list of on-duty pharmacies near you will be displayed.
Some pharmacies display on their door or specify on their answering machine the duty pharmacies nearby.

If you are in Ile-de-France region, you can also consult

This website lists pharmacies open on weekdays, and on-duty pharmacies open on Sundays and bank holidays. This service concerns the 8 departments of the Ile-de-France region: Paris (75), Seine-et-Marne (77), Yvelines (78), Essonne (91), Hauts-de-Seine (92), Seine-Saint -Denis (93), Val-de-Marne (94), Val d'Oise (95).

On this site, you will need to:

  • Write your address.
  • Choose today's date.
  • Check "day" or "night" (depending on when you need to go).
  • Click on “search for a pharmacy” to see the list of duty pharmacies nearby.

If you need to go to a pharmacy on duty at night (and you live outside Paris), it is necessary to contact the police or the gendarmerie.

Call 17 and ask where the nearest duty pharmacy is located.

The police station or the gendarmerie can notify the pharmacist who will be waiting for you.

In Paris, at night, you don't need to call 17: duty pharmacies are open and directly accessible.

What happens next?

Before going to the on-duty pharmacy, remember to take the following documents with you:

  • your proof of ID
  • your prescription for the day if you have one
  • your "carte vitale" (healthcare card) if you have one
  • your insurance card if you have one.
Additional fees may be charged on each prescription. This means that you have to pay more for the pharmacy on-duty fees. If you have a "carte vitale", these costs are covered by Social Security. If you do not have a "carte vitale" or a certificate, you must pay them and can then be refunded with a treatment form (feuille de soins).
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