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Important information

Target audience

AudienceAsylum seekers, Statutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Stateless people, French citizens


Free of charge

Where is it?

Obtain complementary health insurance

Updated on a year ago

What is it?

Complementary solidarity health insurance (formerly CMU-C) is free complementary health insurance.

It allows you not to pay or to be reimbursed for your health expenses and those of the people who live with you (doctor, hospital, medicines, glasses, dentures, etc.). It is a mutual fund that supplements social security reimbursements.

You are entitled to complementary solidarity health insurance if your resources are low *.

Depending on your income, you may also be entitled to paid complementary solidarity health insurance (€1 per day, cheaper than private mutual insurance). For example for a single person who earned between €9,719 and €13,120 the year preceding the request.

How to do it?

You can check on this site if you can request complementary health insurance.

There are 2 conditions:

  • Have a social security number , i.e. benefit from health insurance (see step 2 "Register for Health Insurance")
  • Have resources that do not exceed a limit set according to your age and the number of people who live with you.

For example, to benefit from free complementary health insurance, a single person must have resources under than €9,719 in the 12 months preceding the request.

For example, to benefit from paid complementary solidarity health insurance , a family of 2 parents with 2 children must have resources of less than €27,553 in the 12 months preceding the request.

To find out the resource limits for free or paid social supplement depending on your personal and family situation:

  • Go to this site
  • Click at the bottom of the page on Access general information without specifying my situation,
  • Then on the section: “How do you know if you are covered by complementary solidarity health insurance?”
If you receive the RSA, complementary solidarity health insurance is automatically allocated to you, without any action to be taken (unless you do not agree).
The request for supplementary support is also made easier if you receive the solidarity allowance for the elderly (Aspa): no need to complete the declaration of resources.

You cannot apply for complementary solidarity health insurance before being registered with Health Insurance, because you need your social security number.

If you already have a Social Security number, skip to the next step.

If you are not registered with health insurance, you must do so by completing this form: CERFA N° 15763*02

You must submit or send your entire file (completed form and supporting documents) to the CPAM (primary health insurance fund) closest to you.

To find the address of your CPAM:

  • Go to the website
  • Go to the “Addresses and contacts” section at the bottom of the page
  • And select your CPAM by indicating your postal code
  • Click on "By mail".

Health Insurance will then send you a certificate of eligibility with your provisional social security number (13 digits starting with 7 or 8). Later, she will send you a certificate of rights with your final social security number (13 digits starting with 1 or 2).

To request complementary health insurance, you must send or submit this completed form (CERFA n° 52269#04) with the requested supporting documents to your CPAM.

Here's how to fill out the form:

  • Page 1: Indicate the composition of your household (the people who live with you: spouse and child or dependent under the age of 25) and any assistance you receive.
  • Page 2: If you are not affected by the RSA, you must indicate your household resources here (i.e. all the money entering your bank account).
  • Page 3: Choose the organization that will manage your complementary solidarity health insurance : your CPAM or a complementary organization.
If you do not know which box to check, we advise you to check the CPAM and then sign your form on page 4.
  • Page 4: The top of the page only needs to be completed if you have chosen a complementary organization (other than the CPAM) on page 3. Otherwise, you only need to complete the end of the document with your signature, the city where you are and the date.

In addition to the form, you must add certain documents:

  • A tax notice or a tax declaration notice (ASDIR) if you have one
The tax notice is sent to you by mail. If you have not received it, you can download it in your particular area of the website .
If you declared your income online, you can obtain a notice of your income tax declaration situation as soon as your declaration is completed.
  • A property tax and local housing tax notice if you have one
  • A certificate from CAF if you receive benefits (RSA, APL, etc.)
    You can download it from your “ My Account” space or receive it by mail.
If you have lived abroad during the previous 12 months, you must add supporting documents from the country concerned.
If you have applied for the RSA and/or if one of the members of your household is between 18 and 25 years old and has applied for the young RSA or receives the young RSA, you must provide the resource certificates issued by the CAF or the MSA .

You can now send your file or drop it off at your CPAM.

To find the address of your CPAM:

  • Go to the website
  • Go to the “Addresses and contacts” section at the bottom of the page
  • And select your CPAM by indicating your postal code
  • Click on "By mail".
If you send your file by post, do not forget to add 1 or 2 stamps to your envelope depending on the weight of the letter.

You can make a request online on your Ameli account .

You will find the application form in the “My procedures” section.

  • Indicate your CAF file number if you have one
Your file number is indicated at the top left of all letters from your CAF or on all the certificates that you can download from the “My Account” area or from the Caf-My Account application ( Android or iOS ).
> Read: the Réfugié sheet “ Register and request assistance from CAF”
  • Confirm or change the composition of your household
  • Scan and upload the necessary supporting documents
    > Read: the Réfugié sheet “ Scan a document
  • Choose the organisation to manage your supplementary health cover
  • Validate the form.

Once your request has been made, you will receive an acknowledgment of receipt in your Ameli account email.

What happens next?

The CPAM has two months to study your request, from the date of receipt of the complete file.

  • If your request is accepted for free complementary health insurance , you will receive a certificate of rights for 1 year. Your certificate of rights will then be available from your Ameli account.
  • If your request is accepted for paid complementary health insurance, you will be informed of what you will have to pay and you will have 3 months to send the additional documents. You will then receive a certificate of rights for 1 year.

If your request is refused, you will receive a letter explaining the reason.

You can challenge this decision.

The information needed to challenge the decision is available by clicking here .

Supplementary solidarity health insurance is granted for one year and renewal is not automatic .

You must send your CPAM a new request:

  • by mail by completing the same form (CERFA n° 52269#04) , to be sent with the requested supporting documents no later than 2 months before the end of your rights (see step 4 "Send the requested documents").
  • on the Internet or on the AMELI mobile application, in the “My procedures” section, click on “Make a request for complementary solidarity health insurance” and on “I start my request”.
If you receive the RSA, renewal is automatic, you do not have to do anything.
You have the option of subscribing to an exit contract only if you have chosen a mutual fund to manage your complementary insurance. The mutual insurance company must offer you an exit contract. To learn more, click here .

You can ask for help with your request:

  • to your CPAM
  • at the Communal Social Action Center (CCAS) in your city (ask your town hall for the address)
  • to health and social services (for example, accommodation and social reintegration centers and all personal assistance services)
  • to your social worker.

> Read: the fact sheet on Réfugié “ Make an appointment with a social worker

If you have free complementary health insurance and you live in Île-de-France, you can pay €21.60 for your Navigo pass instead of €86.40 per month.

You must complete a file and send documents.

> To find out how to apply, see the Réfugié sheet “ Request the Île-de-France transport solidarity reduction

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14 contributors mobilized

marianne georgesmarianne georgesAdmin
claudia mclaudia mAdmin
a mugniera mugnierAdmin
fatma bouhejbafatma bouhejbaAdmin
andressa bittencourtandressa bittencourtAdmin
houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
omar kokachomar kokachTranslator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator
olga b.olga b.Translator
aman expertaman expertTranslator