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Where is it?
Become a laboratory technician in France
What is it?
Working in a variety of fields (agri-food, chemistry, medical analysis laboratory, forensic science), the laboratory technician performs missions specific to the sector of activity. For example, it deals with the manufacture of products and their quality control in the food, cosmetics or chemical industries.
As laboratory technician degrees outside the European Union are not recognized in France, you must obtain a French degree to become a laboratory technician.
It is possible to practice with different types of French degrees (BTS, DUT...), the training of which lasts between 2 and 3 years.
How to do it?
You will find by clicking here the list of the courses to become a laboratory technician. These courses are all selective.
To register, you must go through the Parcoursup platform on which you will find all the information and dates regarding registrations (which generally begin in January).
Each course lasts between 2 and 3 years.
If you have chosen to follow a training course leading to a higher technician's certificate (BTS) and have already worked for a year in your country as a laboratory technician, you have the possibility of having your professional experience validated. This makes it possible to obtain all or part of the BTS to work as a laboratory technician in France.
For this, you have to do a validation of acquired experience (VAE) by filling out a file and having an interview.
> To read: the Réfugié sheet "Have your experience recognized with Expérience sans Frontières".
What happens next?
There are several scholarships to finance your studies:
- Scholarships can be requested from the local Mission if you are under 25 years old.
- If you have already worked, you can get help from Pôle Emploi.
- The Île-de-France Region can also finance a monthly grant for paramedical professions. You can find all the help available by clicking here.
It is possible to specialize as a medical laboratory technician.
For this, you must obtain a state degree (after a BTS or a DEUST) from a training institute for medical laboratory technicians. The training lasts one year.
To be authorized to take blood samples, you must obtain a certificate of ability to take blood samples (CCEPS). You will find all the information on the website of the ARS (Regional health agency) for your region.
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