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Where is it?
Request a travel document
What is it?
The travel document for foreigners (TVE) is a document reserved for beneficiaries of international protection (refugees, beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, stateless persons) who allows you to travel outside France.
It can be used as a passport and an identity document.
The travel document is given by the prefecture and is valid:
- 4 years if you have a multi-year residence permit card (4 years)
- 5 years if you have a resident card (10 years).
The different types of travel documents are:
- the TVR : travel document for refugees
- the TIV : identity and travel document for subsidiary protected person
- the VAT : travel document for stateless persons.
There is also a travel document for minor children, which must be accompanied by additional documents (see "traveling with a minor child" at the bottom of the page).
The travel document does not authorize you to return to your country of origin. You risk losing your status and the protection granted by France.
> To read: the Réfugié sheet “Traveling in your country of origin”
How to do it?
You need these documents in electronic version:
- valid residence permit
- proof of address (telephone, internet or electricity bills, rent receipt) OR a certificate of accommodation with the identity card of the person hosting you
- the letter with the decision of the OFPRA or the CNDA granting you the status of refugee or beneficiary of subsidiary protection or stateless person
- 2 identity photographs compliant with standards , with the e-photo code
> Read the Réfugié sheet : “Make and use an e-photo” - a tax stamp (see step 2).
- your situation and "show personalized information"
- the travel document relates to an adult or a minor in “Documents to provide”
If the travel document concerns a minor child, other documents are requested, for example:
- 2 identity photographs compliant with standards with the e-photo code
- Full copy of the birth certificate with filiation or family record book
- Proof of parental authority (extract from marriage certificate, or divorce judgment, or court decision ruling on parental authority, or separation order, or copy of the court decision delegating parental authority, etc.)
- If the address is different from that of the applicant: proof of address less than 6 months old in the name of the minor.
> Read the Réfugié sheet: “Scan a document”
The day you collect your travel document from the prefecture, you must prove that you have paid a tax stamp (with proof of payment of stamp duty):
- €40 if you have a multi-year residence permit (4 years)
- €45 if you have a resident card (10 years)
You can buy it on the website or in a tobacco shop.
> To read: the Réfugié sheet “Buy a tax stamp”
Requests by mail, email or directly to the prefecture are no longer accepted. You must apply for or renew the travel document on the Étrangers en France (ANEF) website:
- Click on “I request a travel document”
- Check the box “A travel document for foreigners benefiting from international protection (TVE)” and click on “I continue”
- Check the “Myself” box and click “I continue”.
You must then log in to your Étrangers en France (ANEF) account .
If you've never done so, create your account.
> See the Réfugié file “ Create a personal account on Étrangers en France (ANEF) ”.
At the end of the request, a deposit confirmation will be sent by email and available on your personal account.
After making the request on the site, you can connect to your Foreigners in France (ANEF) account to find out how your file is progressing.
You will receive a text message and an email when your travel document is ready at the prefecture. You must come with the tax stamp.
What happens next?
The travel document for foreigners (TVE) allows you to travel outside of France and indicates the country or countries which are prohibited to you. It must be accompanied by your residence permit to allow you to return to France.
- On the first page, it says “document issued for all countries except”, this means that it is forbidden to go to this country with this travel document. Usually this is only the country of origin but in some cases there may be other countries.
- You can travel to Schengen countries without a visa.
- You can travel to most other foreign countries with a visa. To find out if you need a visa, look at the information sheet for the country concerned in the “Travel advice” section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website.
A receipt for renewal of your residence permit allows you to travel, if it is accompanied by the old residence permit.
You can renew your travel document by submitting a new application (step 3).
You will receive a text message and an email when your travel document is ready at the prefecture. You must come with the tax stamp and with your old, expired travel document.
To travel with a child under 18, you must apply for a travel document on the Foreigners in France (ANEF) website :
- Click on “I request a travel document”
- Check the box “A travel document for foreigners benefiting from international protection (TVE)” and click on “I continue”
- Check the box “A minor child”, then your situation and click on “I continue”.
You will receive a text message and an email when the child's travel document is ready at the prefecture. You must come with the tax stamp and accompanied by the child concerned.
The DCEM allows the minor to return to France (or to the external borders of the Schengen area ).
This document must be requested on the Foreigners in France (ANEF ) website and is issued for a maximum period of 5 years.
> Read: the Réfugié sheet: “ Apply for DCEM ”
To find out if you need a visa for the child, look at the information sheet for the country concerned in the “Travel advice” section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website.
If you move, you do not have to change the address on your travel document.
But you must update your address on your Foreigners in France (ANEF) account .
You can then request a travel document with the new address.
> Read: the Réfugié sheet: “ Declare a change of situation on Foreigners in France (ANEF) ”
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