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Important information

Target audience

AudienceStatutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Stateless people
Specific audienceYoung people


Have a bank account

Where is it?

Get a loan to pay for the driving license

Updated on 2 years ago

What is it?

It is a financial aid that helps young people between 15 and 25 to pay for a driving license (B car license, A1 light motorcycles or A2 scooters).

A bank lends you between €600 and €1200, without interest.

You then repay €30 per month, so the equivalent of €1 per day.

Why is it interesting?

The bank sends the money for the training directly to the driving school.

You can enroll in a driving school and start learning to drive.

If you're taking your driving test for the first time, the bank may lend you €600, €800, €1000 or €1200.
If you missed the license but you want to take it again, the bank can lend a maximum of €300.
In any case, the loan cannot exceed the total price of the training and cannot be changed.

If you need the driver's license to find a job, this allows you to start sending applications.

Thanks to the €30 monthly repayment, you can organise your budget.

How to do it?

To find a partner driving school:

  • look for the "le permis à 1€ par jour" logo in the window
  • check the list on this site (enter your address to find the driving school nearest you).

The driving school will give you a quote for your driving licence training, based on the number of hours of driving you need to prepare for your driving test.

If you need to do additional driving hours after the training is finished, you have to pay for them yourself.

The list of partner banks are here .

You must prepare a file with:

  • proof of income to prove that you can repay €30 per month
  • your parents can vouch for you if you cannot repay for yourself.

It is possible to sign the bank loan with your parents or an outside person.

For minors under the age of 18 who are taking part in the supervised driving scheme, it is the parents who have to borrow the money.

Once granted and after the usual period of fourteen days for withdrawal, the amount of the loan is paid by the bank to the partner driving school.
If the bank does not agree to lend you the money, the driving school can cancel the quote and the training contract.
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24 contributors mobilized

marianne georgesmarianne georgesAdmin
claudia mclaudia mAdmin
andressa bittencourtandressa bittencourtAdmin
houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
olga b.olga b.Translator
aman expertaman expertTranslator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator
matthieu portematthieu porteTranslator