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Target audience

AudienceStatutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Stateless people


Free of charge

Where is it?

Request solidarity transportation pricing

Updated on 10 місяців тому

What is it?

The Solidarity Transport Tarification is an aid set up by the Ile-de-France region and Ile-de-France Mobilités (which manages the region's transport) for low-income households . It consists of a reduction of 50 to 100% of the costs relating to transport for the people who can benefit from this assistance, and in certain situations, also for the members of their household.

The Navigo Imagine R, Navigo Annuel and Navigo Découverte are not compatible with this pricing.

This reduction may, depending on the case, apply to the Navigo pass, to the purchase of ticket books or allow the use of tickets at reduced prices.

The situation of the beneficiary makes it possible to define which rights will be granted.

You can do an online simulation to quickly and easily find out if you can benefit from the Solidarité Transport Pricing: click here.

Who can benefit from Transport Solidarity Pricing?

  • Free transport

- Beneficiaries of the Active Solidarity Income (RSA), below an income ceiling defined by Île-de-France Mobilités, and members of their household,

- Unemployed people benefiting from both the Specific Solidarity Allowance (ASS) and the free Solidarity Health Supplement (CSS),

- Accompanists of a person holding a Disability Card (CI) or a Mobility Inclusion Card (CMI),

- Veterans and their companions in specific cases (for more information, see here ).

  • 75% reduction

- Beneficiaries of free Solidarity Health Supplement (CSS) and members of their household,

- Unemployed people benefiting from the Specific Solidarity Allowance (ASS) but not benefiting from the free CSS,

- Members of the unemployed household benefiting from free ASS and CSS.

  • 50% reduction

Recipients of State Medical Aid (AME) as well as members of their household.

To find out more about who can benefit from the Solidarité Transport Pricing, click here.

How to do it?

All the steps relating to the request for Solidarity Transport Pricing can be carried out online, on the Solidarité site, or by telephone at the Solidarity Transport Agency (AST).

For faster processing, it is recommended that you submit your request online.

Once on the Solidarité website, start your process by clicking on “I make my request online”. Take note of the proposed presentation then click on the “Continue” button.

Children under 4 automatically benefit from free transport. It is therefore not necessary to submit a request for Solidarity Transport Pricing for them.

First, you must select your situation from the 6 available options:

  • AME beneficiary
  • Beneficiary of CSS without financial participation
  • RSA beneficiary
  • ASS beneficiary
  • Holder of ASS and CSS without financial participation
  • Holder of a disability card

For each of the possible situations, the proposed pricing is displayed as well as the people who can benefit from it.

Once the selection is made, click on “Continue” to continue your request.

Beneficiaries of paid CSS are not eligible for Solidarity transport pricing.

You must enter the number of your Navigo pass twice so that your rights can be loaded on it, once your request has been validated.

The Navigo pass is a smart card, in your name, on which you can load your transport pass in Ile-de-France.

Your pass number is noted under your first and last name, to the left of your photo.

If you don't have a Navigo pass yet, you can order one. The request can be made online, in a branch or by mail.

If you do not yet have a Navigo pass, it will take longer to set up Solidarity Transport Pricing (allow 3 to 4 weeks).

In order to be able to study your request, you will need to provide certain supporting documents relating to your situation:

  • A copy of your annual CSS certificate for beneficiaries of free CSS,
  • A copy of the AME card for AME beneficiaries,
  • A copy of the invalidity card as well as proof of address for holders of an invalidity card,
  • RSA beneficiaries must enter their CAF beneficiary number,
  • Beneficiaries of ASS must enter their Pôle Emploi number.

You will be notified by email or SMS of the status of your request. If this is validated, you will have to load your rights on your Navigo pass. You can load them at a RATP or SNCF sales terminal, at the station or at the station.

All you have to do is place your pass in the space provided for it on the sales terminal. The steps to load your pass will be specified directly on the machine.

You can check that your right is loaded on your pass at any time. All you have to do is put your pass on a terminal and select the option “Consult the contents of my pass”. The list of your rights will appear on the screen.

What happens next?

The conditions for renewing the Solidarity Transport Pricing also depend on your situation:

  • For beneficiaries of RSA or ASS, the Solidarity Transport Agency automatically analyzes your file for the last month of validity of your rights. You will be informed by SMS or by mail of your new situation.
  • For holders of a disability card, you must send your supporting documents every three years or when your card expires. You will be informed by SMS or by mail of your new situation.
  • For CSS beneficiaries, you will need to provide the up-to-date CSS certificate, provided by the Health Insurance.
If supporting documents are to be provided, the Agency will request them from you by email or by post, one month before the end of your current rights.

Once your rights are renewed, you will have to load them again on your Navigo pass.

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