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Target audience

AudienceFrench citizens, Statutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Stateless people


Free of charge


Be in possession of a residence permit or a receipt
Have a bank account

Where is it?

Get help from France Travail to pay for your driving license

Updated on 5 місяців тому

What is it?

Aid to take your driving license from France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) allows you to pay for training and the driving license test (category B) .

> To read: the Réfugié sheet “ Pass your driving license with a driving school

The aid is for people who are at least 17 years old on the day they apply for it. It can be applied for if the driving licence is needed to find a new job or to keep a current job.

The duration of registration with France Travail may be shorter if you have a promise of employment with a minimum 3-month contract requiring a driving license (fixed-term contract (CDD), indefinite-term contract (CDI), contract temporary work).

The amount of aid is a maximum of 1,200 euros .

There are other financial aids for obtaining a driving license. Everything is explained here .

You can also use your personal training account (CPF) to finance the driving license, under conditions.
> To read: the Réfugié sheet “Using your Personal Training Account (CPF)”

How to do it?

Here are the conditions to be met to be able to request this assistance:

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Be registered with France Travail for more than 6 months and be available to work
  • Receive unemployment compensation
  • Not receive other financial assistance to pay for the driving license (for example from an association, a company, etc.).
  • Not or no longer hold a driving license.
If your driving license has been invalidated and you need to retake all the license tests, you can benefit from this assistance.

The request for driving license assistance must be made before registering at the driving school. It is your France Travail advisor who calculates whether you can request driving license assistance. They must confirm that not having a permit prevents you from finding or keeping your job.

Here are some situations that may justify your request:

  • Geographic area with little public transport,
  • Staggered hours (night shifts for example),
  • Employment with compulsory driving license (delivery driver for example).

If your advisor confirms that you can apply for the assistance, they will complete a form to apply. You must provide the following documents:

  • Detailed quote from the driving school,
  • Bank details (RIB) from the driving school.
You can choose your driving school, but France Travail must then validate. The driving school must normally be located in a geographical area close to you (except in special cases).

When you receive confirmation, you can register for the driving school.

The financial aid is €1200 maximum. It is sent in 3 installments (3x€400) directly to your driving school. For the payment to take place, it is necessary to present supporting documents and to respect a schedule.

First transfer for the driving school

Proof: Certificate of enrolment and training given by the driving school.

When: maximum 1 month after confirmation.

Second transfer

Proof: Certificate of successful completion of the driving test.

When: maximum 5 months after confirmation.

Third transfer

Proof: passing the driving test OR proof of 30 hours of driving lessons OR proof of 2 test participations.

If you do not respect the schedule, the aid payment may be cancelled.

What happens next?

You will be able to consult the results online on the Road Safety website 48 hours after the practical exam.

  • If the result is "insufficient" (below 20 points), you will have to retake the exam and choose a new date with your driving school.
  • If the result is "favourable" (20 points minimum), you have succeeded, congratulations! You can then download your driver's license examination certificate (CEPC).
Accompanied by an identity document, this certificate allows you to drive for 4 months from the day of the exam.

Then contact your driving school to find out how to obtain your permanent driving licence!

Driving license assistance can only be given once. If you did not pass the exam, you must pay by yourself to retake it.

The driving license of category B takes the form of a credit card and is valid for 15 years. To renew it, you have to do a simple administrative procedure, without retaking the exam or doing a medical check-up.
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