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Important information

With C'mobil, the mobility platform

Target audience

AudienceFrench citizens, Statutory refugees, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection


Be in possession of a residence permit or a receipt

Find solutions to get around

Updated on il y a 6 mois

What is it?

The C'Mobil mobility platform offers you personalized support to find solutions for moving around the Charolais Brionnais region.

The C'Mobil service is co-financed by the European Social Fund.

Why is it interesting?

Volunteer drivers can transport you for occasional trips:

  • medical appointments,
  • aadministrative procedures (Pôle Emploi, Mission locale, etc.),
  • job interview,
  • shopping, pharmacy, visit from a loved one...
This service is accessible to people whose resources are less than €1,500/month for an individual and €2,400/month for a couple.

You can rent a car or scooter to go to work, go to a job interview or follow a training.

You must hold an AM or B license.

This service is open to:

  • Long-term job seekers (at least one year) registered with Pôle emploi
  • Beneficiaries of RSA, ASS, or AAH
  • Young people under 26 monitored by the Local Mission
  • Employees on subsidised contracts

The price includes:

  • Location
  • Insurance
  • Support
This rental can last up to 3 months.

You can drive with volunteer guides and benefit from their experience to increase your chances of passing your driving test.

Conditions to be met:

  • Reside in the Charolais Brionnais area
  • Have passed the Highway Code and Driving Test
  • Have completed at least 20 hours of driving lessons at a driving school.

How to do it?

Contact us to register:

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14 contributors mobilized

houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
a mugniera mugnierAdmin
hugo stéphanhugo stéphanAdmin
mohamed sayed shokrimohamed sayed shokriTranslator
olga b.olga b.Translator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator