Important information
With Social driving school

Target audience
Availability requested
Where is it?
Learn to drive
What is it?
The Gren association offers training (in the highway code and in driving) adapted to refugees in terms of teaching methods, cost, travel time and social support.
Why is it interesting?
Highway code training in 8 sessions for beginners and non-French speakers. At the end of this training, you will access a positioning test.
Training opportunities: "tailored" according to your needs :
- Complete training: highway code and driving (license B).
- Highway code only.
- Driving only.
- Occasional driving lessons.
The GREN Association has 3 locations:
- Châtillon-sur-Seine,
- Montbard,
- Semur-en-Auxois.
How to do it?
Before applying, please contact your job centre adviser, your "mission locale" or the "Conseil Départemental" in order to check your eligibility for the programme and then receive some support for your driving license:
- Long-term job seekers
- Beneficiaries of "Revenu de Solidarité Active" (RSA) or other minimum social benefits
- Young people under the age of 26 having particular difficulties
- Disabled workers.
A single contact makes it possible to set a first meeting on one of our three sites closest to your home:
Monia CROCHARD (mobility coordinator)
Phone Number : +33(0)
During the 1st meeting, the social driving school system will be presented to you, an evaluation of your individual situation will be carried out and your eligibility verified.
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