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Important information

With French for mobility - Highway code

CFP Presqu'île
Proposed byCFP Presqu'île

Target audience

AudienceStatutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Beneficiaries of temporary protection
Level of FrenchA2, B1, B2


Free of charge

Availability requested

Duration of commitmentBetween 2 and 3 months
Frequency of participationExactly 14 hours per week
Days of attendanceMonday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday


Be in possession of a residence permit or a receipt

Prepare for the Highway code

Updated on 5 months ago

What is it?

A 3-month training course to:

  • learn to move around alone in your city and the department
  • understand and prepare the highway code for the B license.
At the end of the training, the objective is to be able to register in a social driving school or one with adapted teaching methods.

Why is it interesting?

  • Learn the vocabulary of the highway code and driving, and know the words used.
  • Understand the instructions and questions
  • know how the test is conducted
  • Understand how a driving school works
  • Knowing where the main streets, services and important places are
  • Reading a plan and a map
  • Knowing how to ask for directions
  • Knowing the different transports to go to another city and choosing the most suitable
  • Choosing the means of transport according to your situation
  • Knowing the traffic laws and safety rules for all road users
  • Planning a journey to be on time

How to do it?

The professional who helps you must complete this document and send it by email to: .

The professional can be your:

- social worker

- OFII ( French Office of Immigration and Integration) or Local Mission representative

- France Travail advisor (formerly Pôle emploi)

- etc.

You will then receive an invitation to participate in an information meeting and an interview.

This training is organized in Saint Nazaire and Saint Herblain.
The program and dates are on this web page .
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15 contributors mobilized

houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
claudia mclaudia mAdmin
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator
olga b.olga b.Translator