Important information
With French for mobility - Highway code

Target audience
Availability requested
Where is it?
Prepare for the Highway code
What is it?
A 3-month training course to:
- learn to move around alone in your city and the department
- understand and prepare the highway code for the B license.
Why is it interesting?
- Learn the vocabulary of the highway code and driving, and know the words used.
- Understand the instructions and questions
- know how the test is conducted
- Understand how a driving school works
- Knowing where the main streets, services and important places are
- Reading a plan and a map
- Knowing how to ask for directions
- Knowing the different transports to go to another city and choosing the most suitable
- Choosing the means of transport according to your situation
- Knowing the traffic laws and safety rules for all road users
- Planning a journey to be on time
How to do it?
The professional who helps you must complete this document and send it by email to: .
The professional can be your:
- social worker
- OFII ( French Office of Immigration and Integration) or Local Mission representative
- France Travail advisor (formerly Pôle emploi)
- etc.
You will then receive an invitation to participate in an information meeting and an interview.
The program and dates are on this web page .
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