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Important information

Target audience

AudienceFrench citizens, Statutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Stateless people, Beneficiaries of temporary protection


Free of charge


Have a driving licence

Where is it?

Register a car

Updated on il y a 3 mois

What is it?

If you buy a car in France or abroad, you have 1 month to register it and have a "grey card" (now called "registration certificate").

The registration certificate is an official document that can be considered as the identity card of a car.

Good to know: The grey card is the essential document to present during a roadside check. If you do not have one, you are liable to a fine of up to €750 and your car risks being immobilized.

Registering a car has a variable price depending on the age of the vehicle, its power, its CO² emissions, the region… You can evaluate the cost of registration on this online simulator.

Good to know: The procedure for registering a car is no longer done in the prefecture, but online on the ANTS website.

How to do it?

  • If you bought a new car from a dealer, they were normally able to connect to the national registration system, and assigned a definitive plate number to your new vehicle. Alternatively, you can apply online yourself on the ANTS website.
  • If you bought a used car , you have 1 month to register it and therefore have a grey card:

>> Registration is done online on the website of the National Agency for Secure Documents (ANTS):

You must complete the procedure on the site by identifying yourself via FranceConnect.

To read: the sheet "Connect to a website with FranceConnect"

Good to know: If you do not have a FranceConnect account, you can:
- ask a relative who has a FranceConnect account to do the process for you;
- ask an authorized professional (see end of step 2)

Once connected to your space with your ANTS identifiers, you can apply for registration.

The following documents are requested:

  • the application for a registration certificate with the Cerfa 13750 form available by clicking here
  • proof of residence less than 6 months old
  • the old vehicle registration document, crossed out with the words "Sold on (day/month/year)" or "Sold on (day/month/year)", and with the signature of the former owner
  • if the car is more than 4 years old, proof of a valid technical inspection. The roadworthiness test must be less than 6 months old, or less than 2 months old if a second inspection has been prescribed.
  • the transfer code provided by the former owner (this is a series of numbers and letters, valid for 15 days)

Good to know : Documents must be provided electronically, so you need a camera, scanner or phone that takes pictures.
> see the sheet "Scanning a document"

You will have to pay the price of the grey card directly online by credit card.

If you have any problems doing this, you can go to a digital reception point. You can find the nearest digital welcome point on this online map.

Good to know: You can also register your car with a licensed professional. Please note, in addition to the cost of the grey card, the professional will make you pay an amount corresponding to the service he provides for you. This amount is freely set by the professional. To find a garage near you, please enter your address or consult the list of departments on the following link.

What happens next?

While waiting to receive your grey card, you will be able to drive temporarily (for 1 month) with the provisional registration certificate.

To follow the progress of your request online, you can log in to your account.

Good to know: The average processing time for requests is approximately 30 days.

If you find an error on your grey card, you must report it on the ANTS website. You will receive in return a new corrected card.

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12 contributors mobilized

marianne georgesmarianne georgesAdmin
a mugniera mugnierAdmin
houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
ammar bazzaziammar bazzaziTranslator
olga b.olga b.Translator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator