Important information
With UniR support

Target audience
Back to school
What is it?
UniR has developed a personalised support program for refugee or asylum-seeking persons in their academic path.
The actions are organised in different steps :
- Understand the academic background in the original country
- Assess the level in French
- Define together the future plan : learn French, apply to university, get professional training...
The program gives advice to choose the best option for everyone.
Then, UniR helps with the paperwork : prepare the application, registering, preparing for interviews, writing a resume...
Students who benefit from UniR support are either statutory refugees, placed under subsidiary protection or simply asylum seekers living in the Ile-de-France region. They all have a minimum level of education (baccalaureate level), and basic French (A1 level).
What is UniR?
With its personalised support programme, its workshops for resuming studies and its vocational guidance and French courses, UniR aims to enhance career paths and promote integration into French society.
UniR is a project of general interest with a broad economic impact: inclusion through education is the gateway to worthwhile professions.
Why is it interesting?
The support provided by UniR facilitates the registration process, which can be complex.
Our team enquires about the opportunitiess for each person according to their status and needs. This allows students to find the most suitable programme for their professional projects.
Drawing on its experience, the association tries to inform and support students as best they can about their options.
How to do it?
For more information, please send us a message at or call us at 0767140263
Go to our website: Click here
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