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Important information

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Target audience

AudienceStatutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Stateless people, Beneficiaries of temporary protection
Level of FrenchB2, C1, C2


Be in possession of a residence permit or a receipt
Have a end of high school level

Where is it?

Become a pedicurist-podiatrist in France

Updated on 2 years ago

What is it?

A health professional, the pedicurist-podiatrist deals with diseases of the foot and nails. In podiatry, they design and manufactures orthopedic insoles for their patients.

Since pedicure-podiatry diplomas outside the European Union are not recognized in France, you must obtain a French diploma after three years of study in a training institute issuing the State diploma in pedicure-podiatry to work in France.

You must have at least a B2 level of French.

There are fourteen pedicurist-podiatry training institutes (11 private and 3 public). You can find a list of podiatry institutes by clicking here.

These studies are not free: it takes between €5,000 and €10,000 per year in private institutes, and €2,000 (material included) in public institutes in Bordeaux, Toulouse and Marseille. There are, however, aids to finance training (see step 3).

How to do it?

Access to training is selective.

To register in a training institute, you have three options:

  • register on Parcoursup

On the site of the platform , you will find information on the registration dates which begin in January and how to proceed.

  • register after a first year of university studies

Depending on the institutes, access to training can be obtained after a first year of university studies (PASS , LAS , L1 STAPS , L1 Sciences).

  • register with a specific procedure

If you have a pedicurist-podiatrist diploma or other title or certificate allowing the exercise of the profession of pedicurist-podiatrist obtained outside a Member State of the European Union, you can apply for the Institutes by a special procedure and obtain tuition exemptions.

For that it is necessary:

  • To submit an application file to the institutes of your choice. You will find by clicking here the list of documents to be provided.
  • To take the eligibility test which includes a written and anonymous test with the study of a clinical case.
  • To take the admission tests (if you are declared admissible by the jury) which include an oral test and a practical situation.

You will find the details of the tests here.

After being admitted to an institute, you will be able to start training from the next start of the school year (which takes place no later than the second week of September).

During the 3 years of training, there are 2,028 hours of theoretical teaching, 2,202 hours of practice and 1,170 hours of internships. The training allows to obtain 180 ECTS and a license level.


The training is expensive, but there are several scholarships to finance your studies:

What happens next?

After obtaining your pedicurist-podiatrist diploma, several possibilities are available to you. You can directly practice as a pedicurist-podiatrist.

The majority of pedicurists-podiatrists work as a liberal (first as a collaborator of a pedicurist-podiatrist who has his/her own practice), but it is also possible to work in a hospital, nursing home or retirement home.

It is possible to resume studies to obtain a master's degree at university (public health, biomechanics, educational sciences, ergonomics, etc.) or a specialized university degree (different DUs: sport, diabetes, therapeutic education, etc.). .).

For pedicurists-podiatrists who work in a hospital environment and have practiced for more than 4 years, it is possible to prepare for the health executive diploma to become a trainer or hold supervisory positions. The training lasts one year.

There are gateways if you wish to reorient yourself towards other health professions such as osteopath, nurse or masseur-physiotherapist.

> Read the Réfugié sheets: "Become a nurse in France" and "Become a physiotherapist in France".

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