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Important information

Target audience

AudienceStatutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Asylum seekers


Free of charge


Be in possession of a residence permit or a receipt

Where is it?

Have a foreign diploma recognized in France (ENIC-NARIC)

Updated on a year ago

What is it?

Do you have a foreign diploma and want to study or work in France? You can request a certificate of comparability of your diploma from the ENIC-NARIC France center (national information center on the academic recognition of foreign diplomas in France, by France Éducation International).

The comparability certificate does not replace the foreign diploma: it helps to understand the studies carried out in another country and indicates the level of diploma or skills. A grid of criteria makes it possible to evaluate and compare each diploma in France in relation to the system in the country of origin using official documents (diploma, transcript, training certificate, etc.).

The comparability certificate indicates the title, specialty, establishment, date, country, official duration and opportunities for your diploma. The level in the French system is also specified (level 3, level 4 baccalaureate, level 5 Bac +2, level 6, etc.).

If you have completed studies or training in another country, but without an official diploma at the end (exams not taken, dissertation not submitted, internship not validated, etc.), the comparability certificate is not possible, but you can request a certificate of recognition of the duration of studies or training.

The certificate of recognition of length of study or training helps to understand to what level you have studied (even if you have not officially finished). It allows you to continue studying in France without starting the training from the beginning.

These certificates of comparability and recognition of duration are official, but have no legal value and are not obligatory.
Each university and each company is free to request, accept or refuse these certificates to register or hire you.

Depending on the university, if you have a Master 2 in your country of origin, you may be accepted into a Master 1 or a Master 2 in France, but not always into a doctorate directly. It is therefore advisable to apply for a certificate as soon as possible, to know in which year you can register.

The ENIC-NARIC France center (European Network of Information Centers – National Academic Recognition Information Centers) studies as a priority and free of charge requests for certification from asylum seekers, refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary or temporary protection.

If you do not have proof of your diplomas or grades, because you were not able to take them before leaving your country or because they were lost during the trip, you have the possibility of making a application for a European Qualifications Passport for Refugees (EQPR).
> Read: the Réfugié sheet “ Apply for a European Qualifications Passport for Refugees (EQPR )”

How to do it?

The ENIC-NARIC France center does not evaluate the diplomas below:

  • Diplomas awarded by French establishments abroad
  • Diplomas with less than 200 hours of training
  • Diplomas or tests for a language level
  • Some diplomas in regulated professions (doctor, midwife, dentist, pharmacist, lawyer, etc.)
  • Vocational training to learn a trade, without a university degree at the end.

If your diploma is not on the list, it is “eligible”, meaning you can apply.

A regulated profession is a profession which requires specific skills and/or which must be registered with a professional body. If your diploma concerns a regulated profession in the medical sector, here are several sheets on Réfugié to explain how to practice your profession in France.
For more information, you can use the Cybèle tool from the ENIC-NARIC France center , which answers your questions online in 18 languages.

To apply for an ENIC-NARIC certificate, you need these documents in electronic version:

  • an identity document: residence card, asylum application certificate, etc.
  • proof of your status: asylum seeker certificate, decision from OFPRA or CNDA giving refugee status, beneficiary of subsidiary protection or document granting temporary protection
  • the final diploma in the original language (or certificate of success or admission)
  • transcripts for each year validated, in the original language.
    If you do not have all the transcripts, it is possible to provide a certificate issued by the establishment which justifies the official duration of studies.
  • The translation into French of the diploma, transcripts and/or proof of duration, carried out by a sworn translator.
If your documents are in German, English, Arabic, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, there is no need for an official translation. If they are in another language, translation is mandatory.

To find out how to use a sworn translator to translate your diploma and grades in France, you can consult this Réfugié sheet.

If you are abroad, the list of sworn translators is available from the cultural services of the French embassy.

When your documents are ready, scan them to have electronic versions.

  • Each document must be scanned separately
  • The size of each scanned document must not exceed 2 MB
  • Document titles should be clear, with the title and your name.

To find out how to scan a document, see the Réfugié sheet “Scan a document” .

Keep this number carefully, which you must give each time you contact the ENIC-NARIC center.
  • Click on the link received by email and reconnect to the site
  • Complete all requested information
  • Indicate the diploma in the drop-down menu. If your degree is not listed, you can choose “other”.

If you are a refugee, asylum seeker or beneficiary of subsidiary or temporary protection, complete the section to specify your status.

Be careful to complete each section carefully, because the absence of a single piece of information blocks computer validation of the request.

You can only request one diploma per file. If you want to request another diploma, you must make a separate request.

You must then upload each document listed in step 1.

Then, validate your request.

If your file is not complete, you will receive an email to tell you which document is missing.
It is not possible to send the documents by post, you must use the website.

It is free for refugees, asylum seekers and beneficiaries of subsidiary or temporary protection. For others, the price is 70€ (a first payment of 20€ when submitting the file, a second payment of 50€ if the file is processed).

The deadlines vary depending on the requests, an email is sent as soon as the file is processed. In general, the ENIC-NARIC center sends a response within 4 months.

In the meantime, you can follow the progress of your file by clicking here or on the link in the first email.

You need the file number and your date of birth to log in.

What happens next?

As soon as the analysis of your file is completed, you will receive an email with a link to connect to the site and find out the official response.

There are several situations:

  • agreement for a certificate of comparability,
  • agreement for a certificate of recognition of the duration of studies or training,
  • refusal letter with an explanation (unrecognized establishment, lack of information, etc.).
Remember to save and keep the document in PDF format, because it is only sent by email and the link has a limited validity period.
  • To apply for a job, with a CV and cover letter
  • To register for university or higher education
  • To apply for French nationality

> Read: the Réfugié sheet “Apply for French nationality”

In the majority of cases, you will also need to prove your level of French to complete the application.

> To read: the Réfugié sheet “Have an official certification of the French level”

Inform the ENIC-NARIC center by email specifying your file number.

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a mugniera mugnierAdmin
fatma bouhejbafatma bouhejbaAdmin
houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
olga b.olga b.Translator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator