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Where is it?
Apply for a study grant
What is it?
A study grant is financial aid awarded under certain conditions to students who have difficulty financing their university studies.
Students benefiting from international or temporary protection under 28 years of age on September 1st relevant academic year have access to grants managed by the CROUS (Regional centres for university and school activities).
They thus have the status of “scholarship” student .
Grants based on social criteria (BCS) or annual specific assistance (ASAA) provide the following advantages:
- payment of a monthly grant
- you do not have to pay university registration fees or the contribution to student and campus life (CVEC)
- you have priority for the allocation of student accommodation in a CROUS residence based on the social index of your file and the places available
- you only pay €1 for a meal in CROUS university restaurants.
For any request for a scholarship or accommodation in a university residence, you must complete a Student Social File (DSE) each year.
> To read: the sheet "Get CROUS accommodation" .
You must follow the courses for the entire duration of the training, be present for practical work (TP), tutorial work (TD), take exams, submit your homework, complete mandatory internships, etc.
How to do it?
Grants based on social criteria (BCS) and specific annual assistance (ASAA) are awarded on the basis of a number of very specific criteria.
Before starting the procedure, check whether you are eligible.
To do so, you must meet the following conditions:
- Be under 28 years old on September 1st of the academic year for a first application for BCS and under 35 years old for ASAA. This age limit does not concern students with disabilities. From the age of 28 on, you must not stop your studies to continue to benefit.
- Be a beneficiary of international or temporary protection;
- Be registered for initial training authorized to receive scholarship students or for a DU “Passerelle – students in exile” ;
> To read: the Réfugié sheet “Take a DU Passerelle course”
- Be enrolled in initial training provided full-time and not on a work-study basis.
- Depending on your family's income and expenses, you will be eligible for the national scale of higher education grants (published in the Journal Officiel each year).
- You must prove the stability of your residence and your protection (international or temporary).
- Also, in addition to the proof of protection, you must be able to show a residence document (residence permit if you already have it or receipt type certificate of extension of instruction: API)
If these conditions are met, you can simulate the amount of your grant on the CROUS website.
This simulator allows you to find out if you are entitled to a scholarship depending on your family and/or social situation as well as your course of study and training.
This information is also requested when you complete your Student Social File (DSE).
Each student in initial training in a higher education establishment must obtain, before registration, their certificate of payment of the student and campus life contribution (CVEC).
- You must connect to this address and make an exemption request by clicking on “Request my exemption”. You will need to prove your refugee status by uploading supporting documents to avoid having to pay this contribution.
- Within a week maximum, you will obtain your certificate to present to the university.
The request must be made between March 30 and May 31 before the start of the academic year (dates for 2023/2024). Late requests are accepted until December 31st and even beyond this date, only for exceptional changes in situation.
Go to the website and create an account.
Then, complete your student social file (DSE).
You can select up to four training courses from one or more academies of your choice.
Within a maximum of 72 hours after registration, you will receive an email with a summary of your request.
After this period, you can submit additional supporting documents, from your online account, in the “Student social file monitoring (DSE)” section, then click on “Submit documents” (in PDF, PNG or JPG format).
After an initial examination of the file, you receive:
- a notification of conditional scholarship award . This document allows you not to pay university registration fees as well as CVEC.
- or a notification of reasoned refusal of the request
- or a request for additional documents by email without notification (incomplete file).
To definitively validate your application and receive your scholarship, you must submit your conditional scholarship notification to your school.
The CROUS collects your registration in higher education directly from it. You therefore do not have to provide your school certificate to your CROUS at the start of the school year, but it may be requested from you for certain establishments outside universities. Do not hesitate to inquire with your school.
Once your registration has been validated by the Crous, you will then receive your final scholarship notification by email (positive or negative confirmation of the award of aid and its amount).
When you apply for your DSE, you can also apply to CROUS for accommodation.
To do this, check the “request accommodation” box during the procedure.
Secondly (in May, according to the schedule indicated to you), you will need to complete and specify your accommodation request from your account on or directly on .
Depending on the location of your school, you have the choice between several university residences.
The allocation of CROUS housing is then done in 2 phases:
- First the “main phase”, in 4 weekly cycles, which is given priority to scholarship holders and generally takes place during the month of June;
- Then there is the "complementary phase", starting in July, which is open to all students, with priority given to students receiving grants on social criteria..
You will receive a response by email (possibly check your “junk emails”) and, if the response is positive, by SMS.
If you are allocated accommodation, you have 48 hours to confirm your choice, by paying 100 euros booking fee. They will be deducted from your first rent.
> Read: the Réfugié sheet: “Get CROUS accommodation” .
What happens next?
For any questions about study grants, housing and/or CVEC, contact the CROUS national platform on 09 72 59 65 69.
A national emergency call number 0 806 000 278 is intended for students who are experiencing serious financial difficulties.
Refugee students can be supported by a dedicated CROUS advisor.
You can also ask for help from an association near you or contact UniR - Universités Réfugié.es or the Union of Exiled Students (UEE) .
To continue receiving your grant, you must meet certain conditions relating to progress in your studies, course attendance and attendance at examinations.
If one day you are absent for an exam, you must justify your absence to your establishment.
Depending on your situation, specific aid can be combined with the scholarship based on social criteria:
- emergency financial aid
As for annual aid, you must be under 35 years old on September 1st of the relevant academic year.
For more details, go to this address .
- financial assistance from Entraide Universitaire Française for refugee students.
- scholarship program directory
There are numerous aids and scholarships in France and abroad. Campus Bourses references all the aid granted by French and foreign States, local authorities, companies, foundations and higher education establishments.
If you believe that there has been an error in the processing of your file or if you do not understand the decision that has been made, you must first contact the CROUS via the assistance section contact, from your account on
If no solution has been found and you are still challenging the decision, you can file an informal appeal with the relevant authorizing officer (Rector or Director General of the CROUS) and/or appeal to a mediator of higher education. See the article dedicated to this subject .
You can also ask for help from an association near you or contact UniR - Universities or the Union of Exiled Students (UEE ) .
You can work during your studies up to 60% of the legal working time, i.e. 964 hours per year.
To find a student job, you can go to the JOBAVIZ website dedicated to student jobs.
You can combine your grant based on social criteria with a professional activity provided you comply with the obligation to attend classes and exams.
However, this accumulation is impossible if you are in certain situations, in particular:
- you are a civil servant;
- you have passed a boarding school competition (medicine for example);
- you are registered with Pôle emploi;
- you are on an apprenticeship or professionalization contract or on individual training leave.
- etc.
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