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Important information

Target audience

AudienceFrench citizens, Statutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Stateless people, Beneficiaries of temporary protection
Level of FrenchB2, B1


Be in possession of a residence permit or a receipt

Where is it?

Get the Diploma of Access to University Studies (DAEU)

Updated on 2 years ago

What is it?

The Diploma of Access to University Studies (DAEU) is a national diploma for people who stopped their studies before the baccalaureate.

The DAEU gives you the same level as the baccalaureate and allows you:

  • to study in higher education (enter university for example)
  • to pass administrative competitions (enter the public service to be a civil servant for example)
  • to have a diploma which confirms the level of general culture.

How to do it?

To be able to follow this training, you must have stopped your studies for at least 2 years. Then, you have to be in one of these two situations:

  • You are at least 20 years old on October 1st of the year in which you take the diploma AND you can justify two years of professional activity, full-time or part-time. For example: salaried employment, unemployment with registration at Pôle Emploi, parental leave, practice of a high-level sport, etc.


  • You are 24 or older on October 1 of the year during which you graduate.

For foreign students, a residence permit valid on October 31 of the year of the exam is required (visa, residence permit, etc.).

Disabled students do not have to meet all the conditions, it is possible to request an exemption (an exceptional authorization to avoid a condition if you are not exactly in this situation).

If you are between 16 and 25 years old and do not have a diploma or professional qualification, you can exercise your right to return to training. The request can be made to the local missions or to the CIO ( Information and Orientation Centre). Visit the Nouvelles chances website dedicated to the fight against school dropout.

There are 2 options:

DAEU option A: literary, legal

  • Two compulsory subjects: French and languages.
  • Two subjects to choose from: contemporary history, geography and mathematics.
  • The DAEU option A is recommended for studies in arts, letters, languages, law, economics, management, human and social sciences.

DAEU option B: scientific

  • Two compulsory subjects: French and mathematics.
  • Two subjects to choose from: physics, chemistry, natural and life sciences.
  • The DAEU option B is recommended for studies in science, technology and health.

You have to choose the option according to the studies you want to do after the DAEU.

Universities preparing for the DAEU can offer additional options (law, economics, IT, introduction to social work, health professions, corporate finance, etc.).

Depending on your personal situation, you can choose the format you prefer:

  • Classes during the day or evening classes.
  • Face-to- face or distance learning courses.

It is important to contact the university where you wish to prepare the DAEU to find out about the possible formats (see step 7).

If you prefer to do distance learning, there are two official organizations:
- CNED (National Center for Distance Education)
- DAEU Sonate (Digital solidarity and territorial attractiveness)
Distance learning requires a personal computer, a printer, a good internet connection and headphones.

It is possible to pass the DAEU in several years (4 years in a row maximum).

Two formulas are possible for the calculation of the marks:

  • overall score: you must have a general average score of 10 out of 20 minimum
  • score test by test: you must have a minimum of 10 out of 20 in each test.
There is no eliminatory mark (which makes you miss the exam) but the student must take all the tests.

Some universities offer to obtain the DAEU by validation of acquired experience (VAE). Contact an advisory relay point in your region or directly contact the secretariat of the university where you want to register.

> To read: the Réfugié sheet "Getting a diploma with VAE Sans Frontières"

Advisors and professors are present in the continuing education departments of universities to help you organize your training according to your professional project.

A meeting with a university professor or a training advisor is organized before registration for the DAEU. This appointment is necessary to choose the options for your exam.

Depending on your situation, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact:

  • Pôle emploi if you are a job seeker;
  • local missions if you are under 25 years old without activity and not registered with Pôle Emploi;
  • your employer if you are an employee;
  • AGEFIPH if you are recognized as a disabled worker;
  • the departmental councils if you are beneficiaries of the RSA.
Good to know: The main questions asked by DAEU candidates are here, with general answers.

The pre-DAEU is a one-year training to prepare you before taking the DAEU diploma.

This training is not mandatory to pass the DAEU, but is recommended for people who have a minimum level of education.

Pre-DAEU registration is decided after an assessment of your level by a university professional.

You can do a pre-DAEU face-to-face at a university (see step 7 for the list of universities) or remotely with the CNED, which offers refresher training to prepare for the DAEU.

You can test your level and your knowledge on the internet with Sonate or the CNED, to then choose the exam adapted to your level and your goals.
The Réussir en université website offers advice and methods to facilitate entering or returning to university

The list of universities preparing for the pre-DAEU and the DAEU is available by clicking here.

You can search by region, by option, by format. Click on the university you are interested in, then on "information".

To register for the diploma, you must:

  • Complete the pre-registration file online on the website of the chosen university;
  • Pass the level tests in French and languages (German or English) for the DAEU Option A or in French and mathematics for the DAEU Option B;
  • Pass an individual positioning interview to present the professional project and validate the choice of subjects, and talk about the possibilities of financing the training.
You can enroll in only one university each year.

Registration for a DAEU is chargeable. The registration fees are different according to the universities.

Depending on your situation, different financial aids exist to help you pay:

  • For those registered with Pôle Emploi: in some regions, training can be fully or partially covered by the Regional Council.
  • For employees: face-to-face training can be fully or partially covered by the CPF (Personal Training Account).

> To read: the sheet "Using your personal training account (CPF)"

CNED fees cannot be financed by the CPF.

Ask directly at the university where you want to register how much the training costs and the possible financial aid.

You have to fill out a file and wait for the answer: often, the money is sent after the registration date and in several transfers. So be prepared to pay all fees before being fully or partially reimbursed.

What happens next?

Thanks to the DAEU, you have the "baccalaureate level".

After the training, you receive an official diploma: scan the document and keep it safe.

It is mandatory in university and civil service application files.

> To read: the sheet "Scanning a document"

You must send a request for a duplicate (copy) to the university where you took your DAEU.

Contact details for all universities are here.

If you move to another region to continue your DAEU training, the tests passed successfully in the first university are validated in the host university.

In the event of absence from examinations during the fourth year of training, an additional period of one year may be granted by the president of the university on an exceptional basis. The request must of course be justified (you must give the reasons for your absences).

The time between the first registration and the validation of the diploma is 4 years maximum. You can therefore temporarily stop training and resume it later if you stay within this maximum time.
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