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Important information

Target audience

AudienceStatutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Stateless people, Asylum seekers
Level of FrenchA2, B1, A1, B2, C1


Be in possession of a residence permit or a receipt
Have a end of high school level

Where is it?

Take a DU Passerelle course

Updated on a year ago

What is it?

A Passerelle training enables people in exile (refugees, beneficiaries of subsidiary and temporary protection, stateless persons and asylum seekers) to reach the level of French required to study at university in France.

There are a total of 38 Passerelle training courses in France. Each one is specific: the name of the training, the level of French, the duration and the program are different depending on the university.

In general, each training offers:

  • French lessons,
  • Help to build your professional and academic project (which studies or which jobs are possible after the training, how to register or send an application, etc.)
  • Support for administrative procedures at the university,
  • Intercultural and sports activities ,
  • Social, psychological and medical support by the services of the establishment…

Some courses also offer the possibility of attending other university courses, visits to monuments or companies, tutoring with students or teachers...

You can take a French exam, such as the DELF, at the end of most courses.

36 Passerelle courses are accredited Passerelle University Diploma. This authorization allows student beneficiaries of international or temporary protection under the age of 35 to have access to CROUS scholarships ( scholarships based on social criteria for students under 28 and the specific annual allowance for students between the age of 28 to 35). Students enrolled in a DU Passerelle have student status and have access to all the establishment's services, like all other students. You can also apply for CROUS student accommodation.

> To read also: the sheet “Get CROUS accommodation”

DU Passerelle training is free for students: they are “exempt” (meaning there is nothing to pay) from registration fees and the student and campus life contribution (CVEC). As soon as you receive a positive response from the university to register, all the steps are explained.

You can continue to receive aid from the CAF, such as APL or allowances, during the DU Passerelle.

Depending on your situation, you also have the option of remaining registered with Pôle Emploi and having a professional activity at the same time as the training. However, it is no longer possible to receive RSA when you are a student (unless there is an exceptional request to Pôle Emploi).

How to do it?

To do a DU Passerelle, you must:

  • have the level of French required by the DU Passerelle where you wish to register
  • explain your motivation to study at university in France.
  • have a high school diploma (equivalent to the baccalaureate) or have completed high school (12 years of school) in your country of origin.
If you do not have the equivalent of the baccalaureate or if you have not finished high school, you can take the diploma for access to university studies (DAEU).

> To read: the sheet "Get the Diploma of Access to University Studies (DAEU)"

If you do not have proof of your diplomas, because you were not able to take them before leaving your country or because they were lost during the trip, you can apply for a European Qualifications Passport for refugees (EQPR) or explain your situation to the targeted university.

> To read: the sheet "Applying for a European Qualifications Passport for Refugees (EQPR)"

To find a training near you, you can:

  • search directly on
    • On the website:
      • Go to the search page
      • Write the name of your city or the name of your department on "Department" then write "DU Passerelle" in the keywords.
      • Click on the "Search" button.
    • If you are on the app:
      • Write “DU Gateway” in the keyword search
      • OR go to the theme “Study”, then “Go to university”.
      • If you have specified in the application where you live, you will directly find the DU Passerelle available in your territory.
  • look at the map of establishments offering this training.
It is advisable to do a DU Passerelle at the university you are interested in (if it offers one), because it will be easier to enrol for a bachelor's, master's or other degree after the DU Passerelle.

You have to go to the website of the chosen university and complete the application file.

Please note: the application periods are different depending on the university.

You need these documents in digital version (ou can scan them or take a photo of them with your phone):

> To read: the sheet “Scanning a document”

  • An identity document (passport, receipt, residence permit, etc.) whether valid or not
  • cover letter in French or English, depending on the training
  • CV (curriculum vitae)
  • copy of secondary school leaving certificate (baccalauréat) or most recent university degree obtained and French translation OR ENIC-NARIC certificate of comparability

    > To read: the Réfugié sheet "Have a foreign diploma recognized in France"
If you do not have your diplomas, you can explain your situation at the university and ask for a specific procedure.

Other supporting documents may be requested depending on the university, such as proof of your French level.

After sending your application, if your file is selected, you will be called for an interview and a French test. The university will confirm your registration in the DU Passerelle after this step.

If you have any problems with your application, you can send a message to the e-mail address provided by the university.
You can also ask for help from an association near you or contact UniR - Universités Réfugié.es or the Union of Exiled Students (UEE) , if you live in Ile-de-France.

What happens next?

Each university may or may not accept your application depending on the training criteria.

If the refusal is related to your level of French, you can send an application the following year.

After the training, you first receive a certificate of achievement and then an official diploma: scan the documents and keep them safe.

> To read: the sheet "Scanning a document"

After the training, you can enroll in the university for a bachelor's degree, master's degree, BUT, BTS, etc. (depending on your previous studies).

You will be accompanied during the training to choose in which course of study you can enroll.

You will be accompanied to make your application in the chosen course.

> To read: the sheet "Applying for university"

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