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Important information

With OpenClassrooms

Proposed byOpenClassrooms

Target audience

AudienceStatutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Stateless people
Level of FrenchB2, C1


Free of charge

Where is it?

Take e-learning course financed by Pôle emploi

Updated on 2 years ago

What is it?

Free online training as part of the "Open Distance Learning (FOAD) - 100% Distance Solutions" program, with a partnership between OpenClassrooms and Pôle emploi.

The programs support you in meeting your new professional and personal challenge. Follow one of the 15 training courses, accessible from home, to develop new skills and learn a highly sought-after digital profession, for example:

  • Computer technician (accessible with Bac or placement test)
  • Web integrator (accessible with Bac or placement test)
  • Data Analyst (pre-requisite: Bac + 2 or baccalaureate + several years of experience, B2 level of French)

Complete list of available training:

To register, there are 4 conditions:

> be registered with Pôle Emploi

> have access to the Internet and a computer

> be available full time

> have great motivation.

Good to know: Need more information ? Register for the next information meeting here and ask all your questions live.

Why is it interesting?

You carry out professionalizing projects, with situations inspired by real business cases. To succeed, you have a mentor to help you (a professional tutor) whom you meet by videoconference every week. You learn from remotely, yet you are still well accompanied! You also have access to online video lessons.

After the validation of your training, you have proof of level 5 (2 years Diploma of Higher Education) to 7 (5 years Diploma of Higher Education). Your diploma and skills will then help you find a job.

Finally, you will benefit from individual appointments with a coaching towards professional integration. He or she will help you quickly find the job or work-study program (period in training then in a company) that suits you.

In front of the computer, without moving, you can learn new skills and progress towards an occupation sought after by recruiters.

The course materials are accessible at any time.

All courses are 100% funded under Pôle Emploi's "Open Remote Learning - 100% Remotely Solutions" program, for people registered as job seekers, with no age limit.

Trainings are available remotely throughout France.

  • Some courses have no prerequisites (it is possible to register without having a diploma)
  • Some courses require you to have the baccalaureate, or bac + 2 or bac + 3
  • If your mother tongue is not French, the majority of courses require you to have level B2 in French
  • To do some training, technical skills are necessary.

All the precise information on each training is here.

How to do it?

1. Register for the information meeting: here

2. Submit your application directly on the web page:

- fill in the contact form

- send the application file (CV, motivations, professional project...)

- have an interview by videoconference with an admissions officer.

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In partnership with
Pôle emploi
Pôle emploi

14 contributors mobilized

houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
basheer al ghothanibasheer al ghothaniTranslator
olga b.olga b.Translator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator