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Important information

Target audience

AudienceFrench citizens, Statutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Stateless people, Beneficiaries of temporary protection


Free of charge


Be in possession of a residence permit or a receipt
Be registered with France Travail

Where is it?

Find a job or training with France Travail

Updated on il y a 3 mois

What is it?

France Travail is the public employment service in France.

France Travail can support you to:

  • find a job, a training or internship in a company,
  • find a job that interests you, adapted to the job market and your skills,
  • write your CV and send applications to companies.
Since January 1, 2024, Pôle emploi has become France Travail .

The jobs and training offered by France Travail are available on the website:

France Travail advisors will support you in a personalized manner and according to your needs defined during your first appointment in an agency with your Personalized Employment Access Project (PPAE).

In addition, the Emploi Store site and the My Offers application also advise you and help you in your research.

If you have been registered with France Travail for at least 6 months and a driving license is necessary for your work, you can request financial assistance from France Travail to train and take the exam.
> To read: the Réfugié sheet “Get help from France Travail to pay for your driving license”

How to do it?

You will find in this Réfugié sheet all the information you need to register with France Travail.

When your registration is finalized, France Travail sends you the name and email address of your referent advisor.

Your advisor knows your situation and is available to answer your questions, help you with your research and offer training based on your professional objectives.

After registering on the France Travail website, you can create your CV (Curriculum Vitae) in your personal space in "My skills profile and my CVs".

France Travail offers you a free video to help you create your CV. You can watch it here , by logging into your personal space.

You can also write a cover letter for the job you are looking for, with your experiences, skills and motivation to work.

Your CV and cover letter will be visible to recruiting companies. You can also use them to respond directly to a job offer on the site (see step 4).

In France, a CV and a cover letter correspond to a single page (A4). It is not recommended to have a CV or cover letter of 2 pages or more.

The photo, age or date of birth, marital status or number of children should not be included on a CV or cover letter, unless expressly requested to use it.

On the France Travail website or in your personal space (“My search for offers” section), you can search for job offers according to the criteria that matter to you:

  • The city,
  • The level of studies,
  • The type of contract (temporary, part-time, full-time, etc.),
  • The area of the activity,
  • The position sought.
You can save your search criteria to receive an email each time a matching job offer is published on the site. This allows you to be informed and quickly send your application.

Once you have found an offer that interests you, you have 2 options to send your application:

  • send your CV and cover letter to an email address
  • share your CV and cover letter registered on France Travail with the person who posted the offer.
Remember to include the “offer reference” in your email and in the cover letter.

Try to adapt and personalize your cover letter to each offer you respond to: use the information from the offer to talk about your skills and your motivation for getting this position.

What happens next?

You can follow up on your candidate area if recruiters have contacted you.

Companies may also call or write to you directly.

If a recruiter offers you an interview, you can contact your France Travail advisor to help you prepare for the interview or find advice online to prepare, if you need it.

With each new experience (work, volunteering, training, etc.), do not forget to update the information on your paper CV and in your France Travail personal space.

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12 contributors mobilized

a mugniera mugnierAdmin
andressa bittencourtandressa bittencourtAdmin
houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
omar kokachomar kokachTranslator
olga b.olga b.Translator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator