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Important information


Proposed byARIQ BTP

Target audience

AudienceStatutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Stateless people
Level of FrenchA2


Free of charge

Get training and find a job in construction

Updated on 2 years ago

What is it?

The Regional Association for Integration and Qualification in Building and Public Works (ARIQ BTP) offers support for entering the construction sector:

  • get to know the job market and business needs
  • follow a professional training
  • meet companies
  • find a job.

Why is it interesting?

Participants are informed about:

  • the construction sector
  • building trades
  • employment opportunities
  • adapted training courses.

ARIQ BTP checks the motivation of each participant and the ability to work in the construction sector, and proposes a professional project adapted to the situation.

Depending on the profile of each candidate and the needs of companies for each job position, a personalized training plan is built.

ARIQ BTP offers professionalization contracts, with or without a diploma, with theoretical learning and concrete work situations in the company.

Each candidate is supported throughout the training until entry into the company, to help them integrate professionally and guarantee that they have the skills to occupy their position.

How to do it?

To register or request additional information, you can contact the agency closest to you:

  • ARIQ Nièvre agency in Nevers
  • ARIQ Yonne agency in Auxerre
  • ARIQ Côte d’Or agency in Ahuy
  • ARIQ Doubs-Haute Saône agency in Besançon
  • ARIQ Saône-et-Loire agency in Châtenoy-le-Royal
  • ARIQ Jura agency in Lons-le-Saunier
  • ARIQ Nord Franche-Comté branch in Belfort
The address, telephone number and email of each agency are available in the map below.
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10 contributors mobilized

claudia mclaudia mAdmin
houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
olga b.olga b.Translator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator