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Important information

Target audience

AudienceAsylum seekers, Statutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Stateless people, French citizens


Free of charge

Where is it?

Apply for a “right to account”

Updated on il y a 6 mois

What is it?

A bank may refuse to open a bank account for you. In this case, you can contact the Banque de France to use your “account right” free of charge .

Any person who lives in France, who does not have an account and to whom a bank has refused to open a current account, has the right to make this request.

The Banque de France then designates a bank branch which has to open an account for you with free basic banking services.

You can benefit from the right to the account even if you are:
- prohibited banking
- registered in the personal credit incident file (FICP)
- over-indebted
- already holds an account with another person.

How to do it?

You must first make a standard request to open a bank account .

If the bank refuses to open an account for you or if it does not respond to you within 15 days after your request , you can then call the Banque de France, the "bank of banks".

Banks work on the principle of "commercial freedom". This means that each bank has the right to accept or refuse a customer.

You need the following documents:

  • If the bank refuses to open an account for you: letter of refusal to open an account with the bank logo,
  • If the bank has not replied 15 days after your request: proof of your request to open an account (acknowledgment of receipt of the registered letter sent to the bank or receipt of hand deposit of your request, with the date clearly visible)
  • Completed account entitlement request form, available by clicking here
  • Identity document with valid photograph
    (see the list of accepted documents > Article 1, section “ A. – For a natural person ”)
  • Proof of address less than 3 months old (Internet, telephone, electricity, water, gas bill, rent receipt or property title)
  • Proof of accommodation, if you are staying with someone (with proof of identity of the person staying with you)
The main questions about the account entitlement procedure are here , with general answers.

You can ask the bank which refused to open an account to send your file directly to the Banque de France.

The departmental council, the CAF (family allowance fund), the municipal social action center (CCAS) or certain associations can also send the file to the Banque de France for you.

The first step is to scan all the documents.
> Read: the Réfugié sheet “ Scan a document”.

Then, you have to go to the Banque de France website and create an account or log in with FranceConnect.
> Read: the Réfugié sheet “Connect to a site with FranceConnect” .

Go to your personal space, and click on “Account rights – Individual – submission of a request”.

Then download all the documents and wait for the response from the Banque de France in your personal space.

You can also go to a Banque de France counter to submit your file.

To do this, first find the counter closest to you: click here , write your postal code and check “right to account”.

Before going there with your file, it is advisable to make an appointment on the Banque de France website or by telephone at 3414 (price of a local call) from Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

You can also send your file by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt to this address:

Banque de France
TSA 5012075035
Paris Cedex 01

What happens next?

Once it has received your complete application, the Banque de France designates a bank branch which is obliged to agree to open an account for you.

This designation is valid for 6 months.

The Banque de France will inform you by mail or in your personal space of the name and contact details of the designated bank agency.

3 days after its designation, this bank must give you the list of documents necessary to open the account.

You must contact the bank to make an appointment and bring all the documents.

As soon as your account is opened, you can benefit from basic banking services free of charge:

  • have a bank card,
  • a RIB (bank identity statement),
  • cash checks and bank transfers,
  • remotely consult your account balance, etc.
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a mugniera mugnierAdmin
houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
olga b.olga b.Translator
omar kokachomar kokachTranslator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator