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Declare and pay your income taxes

Updated on 10 months ago

What is it?

Taxes are levied to finance certain State and local authority expenditure, such as schools, hospitals, unemployment, retirement, doctors, medicines, social housing...

All people domiciled in France can pay taxes, which are calculated on the basis of income, i.e. money received (salaries, unemployment benefits, etc.).

- Taxes are paid by a person or by a tax household (several people who live together and have the same tax return, such as a family or a married or civil partnership couple).
- A person or household that pays taxes is “taxable”.
- A person or household that does not pay taxes is “non-taxable” (low income or special situation).

Since 2019, taxes can be "deducted at source": that means they're taken directly from wages before the money reaches the bank account. But you still have to make the declaration every year.

Filing your income tax is mandatory regardless of the amount of your income, even if you earn little or no money.

Your tax notice justifies your income to banks and administrations. Many administrations use this document to carry out the procedures (CAF aid, bank account, social housing, etc.).

If you are non-taxable (you do not pay taxes), the non-taxation notice allows you to apply for social assistance.

How to do it?

You must file a tax return if:

  • you live in France for more than six months per year
  • your main professional activity is in France
  • you turned 18 last year and you are no longer on your parents' declaration
  • your economic activities are in France (investments or company headquarters)
  • you live abroad, but your income comes from France.

The tax service (also called "tax administration", or "fisc") needs to calculate whether you have to pay taxes, and if so, how much you will pay. To do this, you must “declare” all the money you received in an official declaration.

  • If you are married or in a civil partnership and/or if you have dependent children, all the money received must be in the same declaration: you must make only one income tax declaration per tax household.
  • If you are cohabiting (you live together without being married or in a civil partnership), you must declare each one separately, in two separate declarations.
An adult child (over 18 years old) who does not live with their parents must file an individual income tax return.
An adult child who is studying can be attached to their parents' tax household until they are 25 years old.
The full address of adult or married children who are still attached to their parents' tax household must be specified if it is different from that of the parents.

Every year the calendar is the same:

  • In the spring, between April and June, you declare the income of the previous year (the year ended). This declaration allows you to calculate the taxes you will pay.
  • In the summer, between July and August, you receive your income “tax notice”. This is "regularization": the calculation between what you have already paid (deducted at source) and what you still have to pay, or what will be reimbursed if you have paid too much.
The withdrawal and reimbursement are automatic from the bank account, you don't have to do anything.

You will receive the document in April by mail if you chose the paper declaration. You must then make the declaration online.

You can only complete and send the declaration on paper if you do not have internet at home or if you cannot travel to a space with a computer connected to the internet.

If this is the first time you declare your income on paper:

If you have not received a paper declaration by mail, you can download the form for the 2023 income tax return or take it from the Public Finance Center (personal tax service) near you.

  • Check the “you are filing a declaration for the first time” box
  • Fill in your details on page 1
  • Specify your family situation and, if you have children, the year of birth with their first and last names on page 2
  • If you had income in 2023 (salary, allowances, etc.), write the amount on page 3. If you received nothing, write "0".

To prove your address , you must send supporting documents depending on your situation:

  • If you are a tenant, send a copy of the rental contract and a rent receipt (to be requested from the owner) for the months of December 2023 and January 2024.
  • If you have a domiciliation address, send a domiciliation certificate which covers the year 2023 to today.
    > Read: the Réfugié sheet “ Having a postal address
  • If you are staying with someone, you must ask that person to complete the certificate on page 5 and give you a copy of their identity card and a copy of their rental contract or their title deed.
The tax authorities need to know your address as of January 1, 2024.

To check your administrative and family situation, you must attach a copy of your residence permit, that of your spouse and a copy of the family record book if you have one.

> To read: the Réfugié sheet “ Having a family record book

If this is the first time you declare your income online:

You must first request a “ tax number ” at the counter of your public finance center . This tax number is a personal, unique number that you keep for the rest of your life.

  • You must communicate this information:
    - Name, first name, postal address, email address
    - Copy of your identity document (receipt or valid residence permit)
  • Once your identity has been verified, the administration will send you an email telling you that you can create your own space with your tax number and your date of birth on
  • You must then write your email address and choose a password. You then receive an email containing a link which you must click, within 8 hours, to activate your particular space.

Log in to your personal space on and click on “Declare my income” :

  • Check “you are filing a declaration for the first time”
  • Fill in your details on page 1
  • Specify your family situation and, if you have children, the year of birth with their first and last names on page 2
  • If you had income in 2023 (salary, allowances, etc.), write the amount on page 3. If you received nothing, write "0".

To prove your address, you must send supporting documents depending on your situation:

  • If you are a tenant, send a copy of the rental contract and a rent receipt (to be requested from the owner) for the months of December 2023 and January 2024.
  • If you have a domiciliation address, send a domiciliation certificate which covers the year 2023 to today.
  • If you are staying with someone, you must ask that person to complete the certificate on page 5 and give you a copy of their identity card and a copy of their rental contract or their title deed.
The tax authorities need to know your address as of January 1, 2024.

To check your administrative and family situation, you must attach a copy of your residence permit, that of your spouse and a copy of the family record book if you have one.

Keep your identifiers (tax number and password) carefully for your next connections to your particular space.

If you have already declared your income:

You can log in to using your tax number or your France Connect account and fill in the requested information.

> To read: the Réfugié sheet “ Connect to a site with France Connect

If you already have a specific space on , you can receive your tax number by email . You can also find your tax number at the top of the first page of your last tax return received or on your tax notices.

The declaration is generally already pre-filled, meaning that companies, temp agencies, France Travail (formerly Pôle Emploi), etc. have already sent the information directly to the tax service.

  • Check if everything is correct: for employees and temporary workers, look at the “net taxable amount” at the bottom of the pay slip for December of the previous year (the year ended).
  • Also check marital status information and dependent children.
  • Add missing information if the administration has forgotten elements or if there are errors.
  • Please note: if you have earned money from a self-employed activity, you must also complete income tax declaration no. 2042-C Pro ("micro-entrepreneur having opted for the withholding tax on the income” OR “professional industrial and commercial income / BIC micro regime” OR “professional non-commercial income / BNC micro regime” depending on your situation). Declare the amount written on the 2023 tax certificate available on your autoentrepreneur.urssaf account. Fr.

    > Read: the Réfugié sheet “ Becoming self-employed ”, particularly the “Pay taxes” section at the bottom of the page.
  • If everything is ok, you have two options:
    - Do nothing and wait to receive the declaratory situation notice in summer.
    - Complete and validate your declaration and at the end, you can download your declaration situation notice. During the reporting period, you can correct your tax return online as many times as you want, even after signing.
The main questions about filing taxes are here , with general answers.
From 2023, if you have already made a declaration online, you can file your income tax return directly on the Impots.gouv mobile application on the Play Store or on the App Store .
The document is already pre-filled, you must then confirm the information and modify if necessary, for example remove/add dependents, modify/add a RIB, change the amounts indicated.

The deadline is different if you make your declaration on paper or online:

  • The deadline for sending your declaration is written on the document, generally between the end of May and the beginning of June.
  • You have more time if you complete the declaration online.
You can use this online simulator to find out the date that concerns you.
If you declare after the deadline, you risk delaying other administrative actions, such as the energy check or the children'sschool grant . You also risk paying penalties (additional taxes) if you are taxable.

At the end of your 2023 income declaration, you will be able to know the withholding tax rate that will apply to your income from September 2024: that is to say the percentage of your salary that will be withheld.

You will receive a very important document called a "tax notice"  

  • by mail if you sent the declaration in paper and do not have special space
  • to download on your personal space if you made the declaration on the internet.
You must keep your tax notice, even if you have not paid taxes.

Many administrations and public services use this document to carry out procedures (CAF aid, bank account, social housing, etc.). Banks need it if you apply for credit.

If you are non-taxable (you do not pay taxes), you will need it to apply for social assistance.

Just after the income tax declaration on the internet, while waiting for the tax notice on your particular area, the income tax declaratory situation notice (ASDIR) is available and accepted for administrative actions (requesting accommodation social for example).

Throughout the year, every month, taxes are deducted directly from the salary, before the money arrives in your bank account. The exact amount is indicated on the pay slip.

If you have to pay more, the tax notice specifies how much you have to pay and by what date.

The withdrawal is automatic from your bank account, you don't have to do anything.

The workers self-employed people (for example, self-employed people ) have several solutions to pay their taxes:

  • If you have chosen the final payment of income tax, you pay taxes and social security contributions at the same time on your account.
  • if you have not chosen the final payment of income tax, and if you are employed and self-employed at the same time, you pay your taxes by automatic debit from your bank account.

> Read: the Réfugié sheet “ Becoming self-employed ”, particularly the “Pay taxes” section at the bottom of the page.

What happens next?

You must check your tax return each year and report any changes to:

  • contact details (address, email, telephone number, RIB)
  • family situation (marriage or PACS, divorce or end of PACS, death of husband/wife or PACS partner, birth of a child).

These changes may modify withholding taxes.

Connect to your particular space on impots.gouv , section “Manage my withholding tax” and “Report a change”.

The withholding tax rate is the percentage (%) of your income taken directly from your salary.
It is calculated by the tax department according to your situation and appears in your personal space on , under the heading "Manage my withholding tax".

You have the possibility to change it with 2 options:

  • If there is a big difference in income between the 2 people in a tax household, the withholding rate can be individualized (each person with a different rate) instead of the single rate (same rate for both people). The rates are calculated by the tax department.
  • If you are an employee and you do not want to communicate your individualized deduction rate to your employer, you can choose a "neutral" rate (= not personalized). The tax department then calculates the difference during the adjustment.

Good to know: If you do not wish to change your direct debit rate, you have no action to take on your particular space.
The tax department will calculate and use it automatically.

If you have any questions, you can call the tax information service on 0809 401 401.
Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. (except during bank holidays).

Good to know: Before calling, take your tax number next to you. It will be asked to find your file and give you a precise answer.

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