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Important information

Target audience

AudienceFrench citizens, Statutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Stateless people, Beneficiaries of temporary protection


Free of charge


Be in possession of a residence permit or a receipt
Have a bank account

Where is it?

Make your quarterly declaration to the CAF

Updated on il y a 5 mois

What is it?

If you receive RSA (Active Solidarity Income), AAH (Disabled Adult Allowance) or the activity bonus , you must inform the CAF (Family Allowance Fund) of your resources every 3 months.

This process is called the “quarterly declaration of resources”. You must complete a table, for each month requested, with the money received (salary, unemployment benefits, etc.). This allows CAF to calculate the allowance that will be sent for the following 3 months.

The money you receive is called a “benefit” or “aid” or “allowance”. A person who receives aid from CAF is called a “beneficiary”.
The quarterly declaration is not obligatory if you receive APL (Personalized housing assistance), family allowances , AEEH (education allowance for disabled children) or PAJE (reception benefit for young children) .

> Also read: the Réfugié sheet “ Register and request assistance from CAF

How to do it?

Every 3 months, CAF sends you an email or letter to inform you that you must declare your resources. A message also appears on the mobile application.

The declaration is available from the month following the period to be declared.
Example: for the declaration for the months of March-April-May, the declaration is available from June on.

The declaration deadline may be different depending on the recipient, but be careful not to exceed it, otherwise you risk blocking the payment.

The declaration can be filled in online or on paper. There is a table with three columns that must be completed (one column for each month requested).

You must write, depending on your situation:

  • the exact amount of your salary,
    Write the “net amount payable before tax” from your payslip (at the bottom of the page), the month you received it (if you received your March salary in April, declare it in April),
  • your unemployment benefits paid by Pôle Emploi,
  • child support,
  • in “other resources”, you must add your training allowance if you have been in training, your internship allowances, severance or end-of-contract bonuses, daily social security allowances if you work and have been in sick leave or maternity leave.

Also remember to declare the resources of the people who live with you: husband, wife, children.

If you haven't received anything during this period, tick “no resources” at the bottom of the page.

This declaration of resources is easier to fill on the CAF application for smartphones.

Write down everything you received, do not forget anything! But it is not necessary to write down what you received from CAF.

What happens next?

Depending on the resources you have declared, the CAF will calculate and inform you of the amount of the allowance that you will receive for the following 3 months.

If you have made an error in your declaration, you must inform the CAF immediately.

  • If the error is about personal life (couple, children, housing, etc.) or professional life (new job, end of contract, etc.): you must connect to your personal space on , and go to the “Declare a change” section.
  • If the error is aboutresources: you must connect to your personal space on , and go to the “Contact my CAF” section, send an email.

If you prefer to go directly to a CAF agency , it is also possible to make an appointment. To find the address and contact details of your CAF, go to the website , click at the top right on “My CAF” and write your postal code (5 digits, for example: 95500) then click on “Validate” . You will be directed to the CAF page of your department. They are all different. In general, you can click on “Contact us” or “Reception points”.

The CAF has access to information from other administrations, taxes for example. If you declare different information or if you have made a mistake, you must also report this to the CAF. If CAF sends you too much money for your situation (an “overpayment”), it may ask you to repay. But be careful, if you do not report an error, it may be considered “fraud”. You may then be sanctioned.

If you forget to file your declaration before the deadline, your financial aid payment may be blocked.

CAF releases the payment the month after receiving your quarterly declaration.

If your personal situation changes (marriage, birth of a child, new person arriving in the household, moving, divorce, etc.), you must inform the CAF.

If your professional situation changes (new job for you or your spouse, end of employment contract, entry into internship or training, etc.), you must also report this.

Do not wait for the quarterly declaration to log into your personal space or go to a CAF agency near you. Everything is explained on this link.

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a mugniera mugnierAdmin
houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
nawal ghandournawal ghandourTranslator
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rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator