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Target audience

AudienceStatutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Stateless people, Asylum seekers


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Where is it?

Finding out if Ofpra has processed my civil status

Updated on 8 months ago

What is it?

You have obtained refugee status or subsidiary protection.

You have sent your family reference file

Ofpra has received the document.

It then takes Ofpra several months to process civil status documents (birth certificates, marriage certificates, etc.).

Would you like to ask Ofpra about the status of your civil status document? To do so, you can call Ofpra.

Ofpra has set up a telephone switchboard which provides automatic responses based on on the status of your file.

If you use this tool correctly, you can find out a lot of information without needing to speak to an Ofpra agent.

You can also contact an Ofpra agent, but due to the large number of calls they receive, you may have to wait for a long time. To speak to an Ofpra agent, you can call from Monday to Friday, between 9am and 12:30pm or between 1:30pm and 5pm.

See also: the Réfugié file “Request a birth certificate”

How to do it?

Call 01 58 68 10 10 (free of charge).

You will hear the following message: "Whether you are a refugee or an asylum seeker, Ofpra asks that you report any change of postal address on its website. To help us process your request, please enter your foreign number or Ofpra number."

You must then choose option 1, which will ask you for your Ofpra number or foreign number and your year of birth.

An Ofpra number is a 9-digit number in the format XX-XX-XXXXX written at the top left of each letter sent by Ofpra.
A foreign number is a 9 or 10 digit number indicated on the asylum application certificate (abbreviated as ATDA in French) issued when your asylum application is registered, on the certificate of extension of instruction, on a receipt or on your residence permit. Depending on the model of your residence permit, your foreign number will either be located above your signature (personal number) or be displayed vertically on the right side.
Option 2 is for people who are not asylum seekers or refugees.

Choose option 1.

You will hear the following message: "Your foreign number can be found on your residence permit or receipt. If you enter your Ofpra number, please use the last 9 digits of the number, without the letters."

Make sure you enter the correct numbers. Start again if the number is not recognized the first time.

The telephone switchboard will ask you for your year of birth to check your identity.

What happens next?

If you are a refugee, the telephone switchboard can give you several different messages depending on your situation.

Here we show you how to find out if your civil status has been processed or not.

Situation 1:

The telephone switchboard tells you: “Your birth or marriage certificates have not been issued.” Your civil status documents are therefore not yet ready.

The telephone switchboard then asks if you would like to “find out the status of your file”:

  • If the automatic message is: "Ofpra has received a large number of files; we are doing everything we can to process them... ". Your file is being processed within the normal processing time. Don't worry, you just need to be patient.
  • If you immediately hear "OFPRA services can be reached by telephone from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 12:30pm and from 1:30pm to 5pm" or if you are unable to contact an agent, you can write a letter to Ofpra's Protection Center at the following address: Ofpra - Pôle Protection - 201 rue Carnot 94136 FONTENAY-SOUS-BOIS CEDEX. You will receive a response as soon as possible.

Situation 2:

The telephone switchboard relays the following messages: "If you wish to request a document from Ofpra, press 1. If your request for a birth certificate on the Ofpra website was unsuccessful, press 2, etc."

Your birth certificate has been issued.

You will receive it by mail.

Make sure to update your address on the Ofpra website so that you receive your documents:
> See: the Réfugié sheet “Report a change of contact details to Ofpra"
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