Ofpra - Office français de protection des réfugiés et apatrides
Activities and services
To be read
Asking for a birth certificate
Official document given by OFPRA proving the date and place of birth.

Waiving refugee status
You can renounce your refugee status by contacting the Ofpra.

Report a change of contact details to OFPRA
How to report a change of phone number, email or postal address to OFPRA

Get a marriage certificate
The marriage certificate issued by OFPRA is an official document proving the union between two people.

Requesting a customary certificate for marriage or civil partnership
If you are a refugee, you no longer need to provide a certificate of custom to get married in France

Getting married abroad
Find out how to get married in a foreign country.

Retrieve the documents sent to OFPRA
In what situations and how to request your original documents from OFPRA

Fill in the family reference form
Understand how to properly write the information in the family reference sheet (FFR) requested by the Ofpra

Have a family record book
Learn about when you will receive a family record book from Ofpra or your town hall

Finding out if Ofpra has processed my civil status
You can call Ofpra to find out what stage has been reached in the production of your civil status certificate.