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Important information

Target audience

AudienceFrench citizens, Statutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Stateless people, Beneficiaries of temporary protection


Free of charge


Be in possession of a residence permit or a receipt
Have a bank account

Where is it?

Apply for the activity bonus (prime d'activité)

Updated on il y a 10 mois

What is it?

The activity bonus is an income supplement paid by the CAF (Family Allowance Fund), which encourages work or return to work.

It concerns people:

  • having a professional activity (salaried or self-employed) or experiencing unemployment (partial or technical),
  • and having low financial means.

Its calculation is based on a "quarterly" declaration of resources (every three months).

The premium is paid monthly.

The activity bonus is calculated on the basis of all your resources (including other CAF services) and those of other members of your household.

Under certain conditions and according to your resources, it can be supplemented with the RSA (active solidarity income).
>> Also read: our Réfugié sheet "Requesting the RSA".

How to do it?

To be entitled to the activity bonus, you must meet the following three conditions:

  • Have a professional activity (salaried or not) and have low income,
  • Live in France in a "stable and effective" manner,
Residing in France in a “stable and effective” manner means that you must not, during a year, stay outside France for more than 3 months. If you stay more than 3 months abroad, you can claim the activity bonus for only the full months of presence in France.

Stable and effective residence does not necessarily mean having a stable / fixed domicile. You can apply for the activity bonus if you are homeless and live permanently in France. You must then be "domiciled", for example with a CCAS (communal center of social action).

  • Be in regular stay.
The “regular stay” conditions to be fulfilled depend on your nationality (European or foreigner from another country):

- If you are European, you must be entitled to stay in France and have lived there for at least 3 months at the time of the request.
- If you are not a European, having refugee status is sufficient to consider that you are legally resident.

Before making the request, you can, if you wish, get an idea of the amount of financial assistance that you will be able to receive, thanks to the CAF “simulator” by clicking here.

Click on the category that concerns you:

  • the form for "beneficiaries" (if you are already registered with CAF),
  • or the form for "non-beneficiaries" (if you are not registered with CAF).
Also read: our Réfugié sheet "Registering for the Family Allowance Fund (CAF)"

Fill in all the information requested and be sure to put the number “0” in the boxes linked to your resources, if you perceive “0 euro”.

The amount given has an "indicative" value, that is to say that the actual amount you will receive may be lower or higher!

To request the activity bonus, you must then go to this page of the CAF website by clicking here.

If you need help with the process, you can go directly to the CAF closest to your address. An advisor can then accompany you to verify your rights and take the necessary steps with you.

Two options are available on the site:

  • If you are registered with CAF, click on “You are a beneficiary (...) click here”, and follow the instructions (in this case, the procedure will be faster).
  • If you are not registered with CAF , click on “You are not a beneficiary (...) click here”, then “RSA and activity bonus”, “activity bonus” then on “make the request "and complete the form page after page. Please fill in at least the boxes with a blue "asterisk" (a star)!

You must have certain documents with you to complete the form:

  • Your ID or passport,
  • A bank identity statement in “BIC” and “IBAN” format (if you are not yet a CAF beneficiary). Indeed, the activity premium is paid into a bank account or into a savings account. You must therefore have one to provide your RIB, if you do not have one, you can go to a Banque Postale counter, for example.
  • Proof of address (document indicating your address),
  • All the household resources for the 3 months preceding your request for an activity bonus (pay slips, various aid received, etc.).

If your file is accepted by the CAF services, you will receive a notification for a period of 3 months: this means that the activity bonus will be paid to you for 3 months with a fixed amount, based on your resources. of the previous semester.

If you receive a decision of "refusal of attribution" (a negative answer from CAF), or if there seems to you to be an error in the amount, you can contest the decision by making an appeal to the "commission of amicable recourse ”from your CAF. This appeal must be made within 2 months after receipt of the CAF decision.

What happens next?

You must declare, every 3 months, your income for the previous quarter (that is to say the previous 3 months) in the "My Account" area of the CAF site or on the "Caf-" mobile application. My Account "on your mobile.
>> application download link on the AppStore (Iphone) / application download link on Google Play (Android).

Your CAF will contact you every quarter to remind you to take this step.

The bonus will then be paid to you each month, as long as your resources remain compatible with the allocation conditions.

Don't forget to update your resources every three months, otherwise the bonus will no longer be paid!

If your situation changes, remember to report it quickly via the "Declare a change in situation" section of the home page of the CAF site, as this may have an effect on your premium.

This concerns the following cases:

  • Moving house,
  • Change in your family situation,
  • Modification of your activity and your resources,
  • Modification of your heritage.
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a mugniera mugnierAdmin
houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
omar kokachomar kokachTranslator
olga b.olga b.Translator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator