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Important information

Target audience

AudienceStatutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Stateless people


Free of charge

Where is it?

Have a postal address

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What is it?

If you don't have stable hosting, you need an address to receive your mail. You must request a domiciliation from the Town Hall of the city where you live or with which you have another link (work, children in school, medical or social monitoring, etc.).

The CCAS (Community Welfare Centre) of the Town Hall must offer you a solution to receive your mail. It must give you a certificate of domiciliation . This certificate will be used to prove your address for all of your procedures.

Associations can also provide you with a domiciliation.

How to do it?

Contact the town hall to find out how to make an appointment. Most often, it is by going to the city's CCAS service.

You will often be asked to have completed this application form.

You will need to provide proof that you have a link with the city (former accommodation, work, your child's school, medical or social follow-up)

Someone will receive you and look at your proof of connection with the town, for example: a pay slip, a certificate from an association, a school certificate, etc.

If you have proof of your link with the town, the Town Hall has the obligation to give you a domiciliation. In most cases, you are given an answer during the interview.

What happens next?

If the Town Hall refuses you domiciliation, you can contest this decision with the Administrative Court.

Please note, you have two months to make this appeal.

To make this appeal:

  • It is possible to request a free lawyer, if you have little money.
  • You can ask for help from a social worker or an association.

Associations can also offer domiciliation services. Ask for a list from your social worker or from an association that helps homeless people.

Please note : these associations are often overwhelmed and can refuse you if they have too many requests.

The domiciliation certificate that we will give you is valid for one year.

It allows you to provide proof of your address for all of your procedures.

To keep your domiciliation, you must contact the mail service at least once every 3 months.

After one year, you must request renewal.

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16 contributors mobilized

a mugniera mugnierAdmin
fatma bouhejbafatma bouhejbaAdmin
houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
olga b.olga b.Translator
sitora abdullaevasitora abdullaevaTranslator
aman expertaman expertTranslator
nour alhindinour alhindiTranslator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator