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Important information

Target audience

AudienceAsylum seekers, Statutory refugees, Beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, Beneficiaries of temporary protection, Stateless people, French citizens


Free of charge

Where is it?

Be helped in your procedures near you

Updated on il y a 10 mois

What is it?

Carrying out an administrative process online is sometimes complicated. Less than 30 minutes from home, you can get help from a France Services trained agent to complete your administrative procedures.

Depending on your request, the agent will help you identify the steps to be taken and how to carry them out.

From this counter, you will be able to get help in carrying out procedures with all the institutions, such as: CAF, Pôle Emploi, Assurance Maladie, Assurance retraite, la Poste, Ministère de l'intérieur, Ministère de la Justice etc.

Here are some examples of what you can get help with:

  • Register to CAF,
  • Pay my taxes - declare my income,
  • Request the RSA,
  • Register to Pôle Emploi,
  • Renew your residence permit,
  • Obtain CROUS accommodation,
  • Apply for social housing (HLM),
  • Make a VISALE request, etc ...
This service is completely free.

How to do it?

To find the ticket office where to go, you can click on this link.

You just need to enter your address or postal code to get the France Services counters nearby.

Please note: On each counter, it is specified the number of kilometers between the counter and the address.

On the presentation sheet of your France Services counter, two means of communication are offered:

  • by email,
  • by phone.

The opening hours of each counter are also specified.

It is not necessary to make an appointment to benefit from this service.

Depending on the process for which you need help, you will need to bring certain documents.

For example, it is useful to have some of your id numbers (CAF beneficiary numbers, social security number, Pôle Emploi identifier number) or certain documents: vital card/carte vitale, tax notice, last pay slips, a CV on paper or USB key ...

Remember to ask the agent before coming to the counter by contacting him by email or phone.

For most procedures, it is necessary to have an email address: remember to bring your username and your email password if you already have one. If you don't have one, no problem, you will be helped to create a personal email address.

What happens next?

France Services agents can direct you to partners, depending on your approach.

Free access internet stations are available, you can continue to go to the counter to complete the procedures on your own.

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13 contributors mobilized

a mugniera mugnierAdmin
houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator
olga b.olga b.Translator
marina bondarenkomarina bondarenkoTranslator
omar kokachomar kokachTranslator