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Scanning a document

Updated on 2 years ago

What is it?

An administration or an employer may ask you to "scan" (or "digitize") a document in order to send them by email or put it in your personal space online.

Scanning a document consists of transforming a paper file into a digital file.

To scan a document, you have different options:

  • Use a scanner (connected to your computer or smartphone);
  • Use a smartphone;
  • Go to a tobacconist or other business offering scanning (shops with telephone, internet, and printing services)
  • Go to a Maison France Services (all the addresses here , by zooming in on the map or by writing the address in "Find a France Services").

How to do it?

If you are scanning with a scanner and a Windows computer:

  • Turn on your scanner
  • Place the sheet against the scanner glass
  • Type “fax and scan” in your computer search bar (bottom left)
  • Click on “new scan” (top left)
  • Click on “edit” to select the name of your scanner (top left)
  • Choose settings such as profile (photo), source (tray), colour format (colour), document type (TIF), resolution (150)
  • Click on “preview” to view your scan and change the settings if necessary (bottom left)
  • Click on “scan” (bottom left)
  • Rename the document to make it easier to find (e.g. "June 2022 payslip")

If you are scanning with a scanner and a Mac computer:

  • Turn on your scanner
  • Place the sheet against the scanner glass
  • Click on the apple (point the mouse at the top right) to choose “system preferences”
  • Click on “printers and scanner” (bottom right)
  • Click on "+" to select the name of your scanner (bottom left)
  • Click on “scan” (top right) then “open scanner” (top right)
  • Choose settings such as type (color), resolution (75), size (8.719 and 11.693 inches), location (desktop), name, format (PDF)
  • Click on “preview” to view your scan and change the settings if necessary (bottom left)
  • Click on “scan” (bottom left)
  • Rename the document to make it easier to find (e.g. "June 2022 payslip")

If you are scanning with a scanner and your scanner's smartphone app:

  • Turn on your scanner
  • Place the sheet against the scanner glass
  • Download your scanner's application from the “Google Play Store” or “App Store”
  • Create or sign in to an account
  • Click on “scan”
  • Choose settings such as profile (photo), source (scanner), page size (A4), quality (200 dpi), colour format (colour)
  • Click on "preview" to view your scan and change the settings if necessary
  • Click on “scan”
  • Rename the document to make it easier to find (e.g. "June 2022 payslip")

If you are scanning with an Android smartphone:

  • Search in the search bar or click on the “drive” app
  • Click on the “+” logo
  • Click on the “camera” logo
  • Place your device over the document
  • Press the button to start scanning
  • Rename the document to make it easier to find (e.g. "June 2022 payslip")

If you are scanning with an Apple smartphone:

  • Search in the search bar or click on the “notes” app
  • Click on the 'new note' logo (bottom right)
  • Click on the “camera” logo
  • Click on “scan documents”
  • Place your device over the document
  • Press the button to start scanning
  • Rename the document to make it easier to find (e.g. "June 2022 payslip")

If you are scanning with a smartphone app dedicated to scanning:

  • Download a smartphone application dedicated to scanning from a digital store (“Google play store” or “App store”).
  • Click on “new scan” (or its logo)
  • Choose settings like profile (photo), source (scanner), page size (A4), quality (200 dpi), colour format (colour)
  • Position your camera above the document
  • Click on “digitize” or its logo
  • Rename the document to make it easier to find (e.g. "June 2022 payslip")

If you don't have a scanner or a smartphone, you can always go to shops that offer this service. For instance:

- a tobacconist

- a printing press (for example: the Corep agencies)

- a specialized shop that offers self-service computers, telephones, printer / copier, scanner

- a Maison France Service, where an employee can advise you on your administrative procedures or help you with a digital action (all the addresses here, by zooming in on the map or by writing the address in "Find a France Services").

What happens next?

If you have a computer, you can save the file, as needed:

  • In your drive (Google drive or iCloud);
  • On your desktop;
  • On your USB key;
  • On your hard drive...

If you have a smartphone, save the file, as needed:

  • In your drive (Google drive or iCloud);
  • By e-mail to receive it on your computer...
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13 contributors mobilized

a mugniera mugnierAdmin
houssam kokachhoussam kokachAdmin
basheer al ghothanibasheer al ghothaniTranslator
olga b.olga b.Translator
rohullah expertrohullah expertTranslator
maddie bmaddie bTranslator